All artists have been through this. After all what would the world be without greedy and entitled people wanting hard work to be free. And before you say giving someone exposure does not mean they are working for free, you are absolutely wrong. Unless the person doing that is extremely famous and can actually deliver on that promise, no artist should have to do that. And even then most people who are at that level would be happy to pay you anyway.
This woman however is not like that. I have seen time and time again family members wanting free stuff even though they shouldn’t even ask for a family discount. I mean, who doesn’t want to help their family members actually make money and grow their business? Most of them from what I have seen on the Internet. Although sometimes they get a taste of their own medicine and get so deep in trouble that they can’t even get out.
And you can read one such story by scrolling below and taking a look for yourself.
Source: Reddit
Has the “pay you in exposure” stuff always existed at this extent or has it got out of control with the popularity of social media?
For example, all the popular travel bloggers who get free stays at hotels/do promotions on their blog for free items/service, thus is only possible because of travel blogs/instagram and social media in general. I can’t imagine what it is like for all the artists out there since anyone can now claim to give you “exposure” by sharing a one liner about your work on their social media page (that might just get glossed over and won’t be read). –rjoker103
I’m thinking that maybe…just maybe she was thinking her franchise would come through (that’s assuming she was even applying for one), she could start making money and get around the “Pro Max agent” and then pay off the cards. That’s the best case I can see her doing…but I think I was always going to be screwed because I’m “just” an artist. –KindredCocaCola
What are your thoughts on this whole fiasco? Comment down below and let us know.