
Boyfriend Invites Girlfriend To A Fancy Party, She Realizes It’s Actually A Surprise Wedding For Her, Asks If She’s Wrong For Leaving

  • By Malaika
  • 7 months ago
  • 4 minutes read
Boyfriend Surprise

Wedding preparation can be quite stressful.

Wedding preparation is frequently described as a difficult and overwhelming task that necessitates meticulous planning and attention to detail. From choosing the ideal venue to coordinating with vendors, the process can be both exciting and stressful for couples. Regardless of the difficulties, the end result of a beautiful and memorable wedding day makes all the effort worthwhile. Some people enjoy wedding preparations because they know that, at the end of it all, they will marry their partner. Even if someone isn’t overjoyed when wedding preparations are mentioned, that doesn’t mean they don’t want to be involved in any way.

Some people enjoy planning and organising every detail of their special day, while others prefer to delegate tasks to professionals. Finally, the goal is to provide a magical and unforgettable experience for all involved. And that is impossible if you ignore your partners’ input during the planning stage.

Scroll down to read about how someone thought a surprise wedding party was a good idea.

Source: Reddit

A wedding can be one of the most important events in someone’s life.

Via Terje Sollie (Not The Actual Picture)

OP has never been a big fan of wedding planning, and she always talked about how stressful it would be.

OP and her boyfriend were dressed to the nines for a fancy party, but OP didn’t know what was waiting for her at the party.

While Mark had talked to OP about marriage, he had taken the initiative and prepared a surprise wedding for OP.

While OP loved Mark and definitely wanted to marry him, she was feeling a mix of emotions as he had never asked her beforehand.

That is when OP pulled Mark aside and told him of her concerns and how she wanted to be a part of the wedding planning process.

Via Reddit

Mark couldn’t understand OP’s concerns, and thus she faced a difficult decision between going along with Mark or voicing her opinion.

OP ultimately decided not to go ahead with the wedding, which means she is now at odds with Mark and some of the family and friends as well.

Many people believe that she should have accepted since OP always talked about marrying him anyway.

Mark prepared the wedding because OP always talked about how stressful planning a wedding is.

OP still wants to marry Mark, but she wants it done on her own terms rather than as a surprise.

Via Reddit

I wanted to understand where he was coming from, but I couldn’t. I understand that he must have spent a significant amount of money planning the wedding, but this was not acceptable. Planning a surprise birthday party or something similar is not the same as organising a wedding. Even if they had discussed marriage, this isn’t romantic; it’s controlling. I’m not sure why the rest of the family believes OP is at fault, either. I don’t know anyone who would be okay with being surprised like this.

That is what most people think.

I am surprised that nobody told him that it was a bad idea.

This is not how a marriage works.

Surprising someone with a gift is a romantic gesture, not this.

I am not sure about this advice.

Via Reddit

I don’t want to judge Mark too harshly.

I can only hope that this is made up.

I wonder if Mark has ever done something similar before.

Having a surprise wedding sounds like a bad joke.

Via Reddit

What are your thoughts about this story? Do you believe it was a romantic gesture that the OP should have accepted? Or do you think the OP made the correct decision by rejecting the surprise wedding party? What would you have done if you were in her situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts.

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