
Teens Take Fake Babies Home For A School Project, Teacher Shares Their Desperate Texts

  • By Asad
  • May 5, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

As is tradition, there comes a time in a teen’s life when they must prepare themselves for the future, a day where they might become parents. Or, at least, responsible for a small human being. To prepare them for this possibility, Chippewa Secondary School gave their students the task of taking care of a preprogrammed fake baby. These Ontario students were ill-prepared for what that could mean because when the fake baby started crying and throwing fits here and there, they immediately turned to their teacher desperate for some peace and quiet.

The reasons for the texts ranged from guidance to hopelessness, to simply venting about their situation. Honestly, some of these texts are even more hilarious without any context. See for yourself!

Source: Chippewa Facebook

Chippewa Secondary School

Treating a fake baby like a real baby does cause some interesting back and forth.

The bracelets sense the caretaker’s actions to let the baby know what is being done to it.

The cries of “Can you shut off my baby” left the teacher in stitches.

She calmly explained that it wasn’t how that worked, unfortunately, because it’s a learning experience.

Everyone reading the post got an absolute kick out of it, of course.

They regaled stories of their own misadventures taking care of their fake baby when they were in high school.

Some brought back stories of when the baby was just a bag of flour!

It was such an interesting read to some that they hope everyone goes through it at least once!

Andrea Lefebvre, the teacher of the class, commented, “Our students are in a grade 11 class called Raising Healthy Children. The students bring home one of the Real Care babies for the weekend to apply their learning for the caring for a newborn unit.”

The newborn unit needs to be fed, their diaper changed, rocked, cared for, burped, and they also cry (As you could probably tell by the teen’s frustrations). They record every instance of roughness, temperature variance, so they’re essentially as difficult to manage as real newborns, minus constant vomiting, and the newborn’s redeeming cuteness.

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