
Employee Asks If They’re Wrong For Refusing To Share Their Secret Cookie Recipe With Coworkers


The office’s “cookie wizard” is having a tough week because of a nosy coworker. Reddit user TensionRemarkable928 loves baking amazing chocolate chip cookies for everyone, and these cookies are extraordinary. They’re not just any cookies; they’ve been perfected over the years through countless batches.

Baking is a special tradition for many families, much like protecting secret recipes. Think of a grandparent who has spent a lifetime perfecting a soup or bread recipe—they don’t just share it with anyone. It’s about pride and the hard work involved in getting it just right.

However, when the “cookie wizard” refused to share their prized recipe, the coworker reacted poorly, got offended, and started calling OP rude things. You guessed it! She was a Karen!

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: TensionRemarkable928

1. Secret recipes are not meant to be shared.

2. Everyone at the office is a huge fan of OP’s cookies.

3. Everyone is always looking forward to them and gets really excited about the cookies whenever any office event is around the corner.

4. At a recent office event, a coworker, Karen, came up to OP and asked her for the recipe for her infamous cookies.

5. OP had always kept the recipe a secret because of how long it took her to perfect it.

6. OP tried to rationale with Karen after declining but she got angry.

As they always do.

7. Karen blamed OP for ruining the entire charity day.

You don’t call something a secret for no reason. Secrets are not meant to be told. I think this is common sense, but how would Karen know? You need a brain to understand stuff like this.

OP did right by refusing. OP should’ve proceeded to threaten the whole staff by saying she wouldn’t bring cookies ever again if she got asked about the recipe one more time. That would have closed the case very easily.

Source: TensionRemarkable928

8. While some sided with OP, others supported Karen’s view.

9. The whole situation confused OP as she wondered whether she should’ve said no to Karen.

10. The matter was taken to the courts of the AITA community.

Source: TensionRemarkable928

Here’s what the AITA community had to say about this:

11. Just get rid of the matter and give them a fake recipe.

Via PantherPony

12. Sorry, but you cannot enjoy my services this way.

Via johnnylongpants1

13. This is definitely the way to go about it.

Via Raerae1360

14. OP! Do not share your recipe!

Via BeautifulPhantom1

15. They won’t utter another word.

Via WeirdSysAdmin

16. Do this and watch them all telling Karen to shut up within seconds.

Via georgiajl38

17. OP missed the ultimate chance!

Via Redditor

18. All co-workers would make sure Karen gets kicked out of the office.

Via Own_Breakfast_570

19. Watch how they react. I am sure they would all apologize on behalf of Karen just to get the OG cookies back.

Via rocketmn69

20. In such a case, OP must charge Karen’s bank account to the fullest…and still give a fake recipe.

Via Rddtmcrddtface

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via cutecat.life_

Cat tax.

“I’m getting married today. I woke up early and practiced my vows on my cat, but he didn’t cry once. Should I rewrite the vows or get a more sensitive cat?”

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