
10+ Overly Dramatic Pets That Deserve An Oscar For Their Acts

  • By Hashir
  • January 10, 2021
  • 3 minutes read

It may be hard to believe but our pets are actually very dramatic. Ever noticed how they act as they have never been fed a single day in their life, that too, moments after you just feed them? Or, how they act all strange and cranky making you think all sorts of things when all they really want is your undivided attention? Well, all of this is just a fraction of how dramatic they can be.

The reasoning behind their actions, however, isn’t always valid. Sometimes, they have to mask their true self and adopt a certain persona in order to defend themselves. For example, acting all tough and aggressive when they’re clearly not like that at all. Adopting a different persona serves as a defense mechanism by which they can easily ward off potential attackers and save themselves from possible harm. However, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, the reason behind their strange behavior is quite petty and also very hilarious.

But pet owners can’t always quickly tell whether their pet is actually suffering or just being dramatic so naturally, their first response is to take them to the vet. But it’s only after a proper examination that they realize it was just a show. Their pet was throwing tantrums and being a crybaby over absolutely nothing. Twitter users from around the world tweet about all the stuff their pets do that makes them laugh their butts off the couch. Scroll down and check them out.

Cats are so exciting.


Looks like this user’s cat is slowly trying to steal her boyfriend.


This cat knows some tricks.


Did you know that female dragonfly fake their own death to avoid mating with unwanted male counterparts? As soon as they detect an unwanted male dragonfly approaching, they freeze in mid-air and drop straight to the ground pretending to be dead. That too, in such a convincing manner, that it leaves their counterparts with no choice but to turn back. A pretty effective way, right? And then there’s us humans. Faking orgasms trying not to hurt anyone’s feelings. *SMH* Even the cats know a few tricks to avoid any situation they don’t want to get into.

Gotta catch that lizard.


Only if our pets could talk…


Damn… that was expensive.


They look naive but aren’t.


That was one gassy cat.


Aww poor thing.


These pets surely deserve an Oscar for their absurd actions. Not even the best actors can act like our pets can. Do you have some exciting stories to share with us? Feel free to comment and share your pet’s Oscar-worthy stories below. We love to hear from you.

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