If you’ve ever adopted a cat, you would know that they are full of surprises. Every day is a new adventure for them and their shenanigans know no end. When you want to play with them, they’ll spend their day sleeping. But when you’re trying to sleep at 3 AM, they suddenly gain superpowers and start flying across the room and bump into stuff. You get used to this stuff eventually, but there are still moments when your cat catches you off guard.
I know cats are usually famous for being cute and all, but some of us love them for their unintentionally hilarious antics. It might be difficult to understand what I’m saying if you’ve never raised a cat. So, we have gathered 50 hilarious cat tweets that’ll make you laugh out loud and show you what a cat’s life is like. Scroll down below and enjoy:
You mean mewral, right?
This cat has mastered ninja skills.
When your best friend is your therapist.
Is this what heaven looks like?
The chair is lava.
They look like Russian dolls.
Does that look like Mr Bean’s cat?
That’s the Holy Spirit.
When you want to be a panda really bad.
Naturally talented.
He’s more decent than usual guys on Tinder.
These babies have been blessed.
Bro, it’s Danny Tanner.
But doesn’t the midnight train go to Georgia?
It is a universal rule to not move cats from where they’re sitting.
Help, human. I’m stuck.
This is a lovely dinner ritual.
Long-distance relationships can work.
Talk about perfect timing.
Cats are actually liquid.
Try turning it off and on again.
He looks like an introvert.
That’s more of an “I’ll kill you when we get home” look.
This cat knows the answers to this universe.
Cats are so silly, and the best part is that they don’t even realise it! Sometimes they can’t decipher things and stop functioning just like that. I have a 3-month-old kitten named Venus. Every time I blow on her face for fun, she just freezes and stares at me as if I’m performing witchcraft. The look on her face is priceless. Cats never fail to make me laugh.
Best friends forever.
You won’t have to worry about dinner anymore.
There is plenty of love for everyone.
It’s so round!!!
It is a Kittymon.
You can’t hide your food from your cat.
I want 20 of them.
Somebody save my hooman!!!
You have to appreciate her creativity though.
Booking my ticket here.
He shouldn’t be giving the cat chocolate chips though.
Such a pretty cat. Keep it.
This is actually hilarious.
Have they ever even seen cats?
She looks like she’s plotting world domination.
Mt flat ass can’t even carry a kitten.
What is this liquid? Are you melting?!
She looks like a stuffed toy too.
Give her the last slice!
He looks so interested in it.
Catmas tree.
She looks shocked.
What did you think of these tweets? Do you have any funny cat tweets to share as well? Let us know in the comments below.