
Cat Owner Pours A Bucket Of Water On Neighbor’s Kid Because He Threw A Cup Of Water On Her Cat

  • By Malaika
  • 8 months ago
  • 5 minutes read

Cruelty to animals is abhorrent behaviour.

Cruelty to animals is a deeply troubling issue that plagues society, manifesting in a variety of ways, such as neglect, abuse, and exploitation. Animal mistreatment is unacceptable in any context, including animal agriculture, entertainment, and pet ownership. It is critical that individuals recognise and address this issue in order to create a more compassionate and ethical world for all beings.

Cruelty does not always imply hitting your pet or not feeding them. It can also refer to doing things that clearly cause them anxiety, such as throwing water on them. Now, I am not saying that bathing your pet is cruel, but throwing water on them when they least expect it is not a good thing. While I understand that children do not always understand the full consequences of their actions, it is necessary for their parents to teach them so that the same thing does not occur again.

You can scroll down to see what happened in this instance.

If someone threw water over my cat, I really wouldn’t care whether they were a child or an adult.

Via shannoncooperox

They will definitely get an equal amount of water for their faces, because that is what they deserve.

Via shannoncooperox

Shannon did make it clear that it was not as big a deal as people were making it out to be and that everyone was fine and dandy.

Via shannoncooperox

The kitty wasn’t hurt either, and we have cat tax right here to prove that!

Via shannoncooperox

Fortunately, this does not appear to be as big a deal on X as many people believe. Shannon, after all, got her revenge by throwing water on the kid. I’d be more forgiving if it was a child who didn’t know any better, but he’s 13 years old and knows exactly what he’s doing. Fortunately, the father realised this and was only surprised when he thought Shannon had thrown water on him unprovoked. Cats are already not big fans of water, so I don’t think doing this to them is exactly model behaviour.

If it was summer, then I say it wasn’t a big deal at all.

Via hallowmomaf

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that.

Via dysphoricethan2

The year was not what we were all expecting.

Via bags_of_gold

I am not a big fan of kids, but most kids don’t behave like this.

Via sensibleshroom

I was simply scared of most animals as a kid.

Via celestiix

I would cry every time I was taken to the butcher because I couldn’t handle seeing that.

Via rashixoxo_

I even cried when a bush that I planted needed to be ripped out for some reason.

Via celestiix

If the cat can’t take revenge, we need to do it on their behalf.

Via 666Tomichan666

Most 10-year-olds are definitely not like this.

Via brendatlachi

Cats will always be our overlords, whether people agree or not.

Via CuckedSimp

I would not be on their side in this case.

Via 1c3B3rgMama

You are responsible for your own actions.

Via feline_charm

It sounds sort of funny, to be fair.

Via VLevantiz

It’s really not as deep as people are making it out to be.

Via Wet_Wasabi

I am not sure about the high-five, though.

Via LAFruitFly

It is just water at the end of the day.

Via marinowinters

It wasn’t as if the kid was hurt by some water, so I think this is a perfectly fine consequence.

Via annaasane

Sometimes you have to take charge.

Via lhskarka

I get what this person is saying, but it was just a funny way to retaliate.

Via kil_og23

I don’t think this is the appropriate response.

Via Fal_Neil

We all let our childishness out sometimes.

Via GhoulEmpress

What are your thoughts on the situation? Do you think the internet is overreacting and that things aren’t as bad as they appear? Have you ever done something that others may consider cruel? Why not let us know in the comments section below? Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can contribute their own thoughts.

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