I’m not just talking about their looks. Of course, they are pretty when it comes to physical traits as well. These adorable little fluffballs have a way of reserving their place in our hearts. It is not just their long, silky hair and cute pink noses that make them beautiful. It is their entire personality. Sure, they can act stuck up at times, but that does not stop them from being amazing.
Cats like sitting in weird places, sleeping in awkward positions, and making derpy faces. That is why we love them so much. Everything they do is beautiful and we just can’t stop adoring them. Sometimes, you’ll see a cat in such a weird place but it’ll fit so perfectly there that you will feel it was made to fit there. Cats love creating masterpieces like that. If you’ve never seen a cat masterpiece before, we have some pictures for you. Scroll down below and enjoy:
It’s called abstract art.
Camouflage experts.
Now I see where he got the inspiration from.
She saw the opportunity and she took it.
Better than any lamp.
Wow, cats are just naturally gifted. If I did half of these things, I would be considered weird. But when a cat does it, it is art. Cats are art themselves. We don’t know why they do the things that they do, but we love seeing it all happen. It’s free entertainment.
I would legit buy this.
The soldier seems passed out drunk.
This is how I sleep before I complain about my back hurting.
Is the cat French?
What did you think of these images? Do you have any masterpieces of your cats to share? Let us know in the comments below!