
Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Reporting Sightseeing Bus Employee Who Got Off The Official Route To Visit His Friend

A young woman recently experienced an unusual bus ride while on vacation in the Italian Alps, questioning whether she should report the driver’s behavior.

During a sightseeing trip with her family and friends, the bus driver unexpectedly deviated from the official route to drop off two of his friends at their homes. What should have been a straightforward 20-minute journey back to their hotel turned into a 40-minute detour. Now, OP and her group are debating whether reporting the driver to his company would be justified or if it might come across as an overreaction.

Scroll down below to read the story.

Source: Reddit

Image Credits: Kedar Bhave (not the actual photo)

1. Detours can be scary. Let’s find out!

2. While on a family spa vacation in Italy, they decided to take a trip on a sightseeing bus to roam around the city.

3. On the way back, the driver stopped for two guys to board the bus who appeared to be the driver’s friends.

4. Then suddenly, the driver got off the official route to drop off one of his friends at his house.

5. The bus then went back on the official route, only to take one more detour so the driver could drop his second friend at his house.

6. The driver then finally dropped OP and her family at their hotel. The return journey ended up taking 40 minutes, compared to the 20 minutes that were taken on the first trip.

7. OP wants to report the bus driver to the company for getting off the official route, which caused their return journey to be delayed. The matter was taken to the courts of the AITA community.

Source: Reddit

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

8. It is one thing to make a quick road trip detour, but to double the journey time? I would complain too.

Via vivekorn

9. OP must relax, as it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Via dilqncho

10. What if OP had time-sensitive plans? This needs to be reported so it doesn’t happen to other tourists in the future.

Via henchwench89

This is not as straightforward as it seems, but a much more tricky situation. Taking a detour from the official route can indeed creep anyone out, especially tourists who barely know anything about the country they are touring. However, reading through the comments section, we can see that such things are very common in Italy and were framed under the heading “being kind”. OP was NTA for fearing what could potentially happen because of the detour, but TA for not studying Italy’s culture before going there. Had she done her research, she would have been prepared for such an incident. I would go for ESH.

Let’s go through some more of the AITA community’s judgments to see whether the verdict remains the same or deviates slightly from the common opinion. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: Reddit

11. That is the way Italy works.

Via rakete100

12. Maybe on the way, the bus didn’t have to pick anyone up and that is why the journey was faster.

Via floraingo

13. Just a little something OP didn’t know.

Via Eva385

14. It is so common in Italy that OP’s report might get ignored.

Via thiswasyouridea

15. Da*n! The comments section is upfront about this.

Via Boydle

16. OP’s views make zero sense if you think of it this way.

Via Flymista23

17. You are on vacation. Just enjoy it!

Via corbantd

18. Absolutely not!

Via BenevelotCeasar

19. Just let the world move at its pace.

Via HelpMeNotBeStoopid

20. Tourists must study the cultures of the countries before landing there.

Via MMCFproductions

It is very important to include studying the country that you are going to while planning the vacation. The majority of the comment section has said that it is common in Italy to accommodate your friends, even if it means compromising your main duty. OP missed this part, and that is why she got angry when the bus took an extra 20 minutes to drop them off back at the hotel. Having said this, tourists with a language barrier can often come across such situations, and their anger/fear is justifiable. In such a case, the locals can inform them of what the tradition is so it doesn’t happen in the future. You learn by failing.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via aaronseminoff

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