Cats are amazing creative creatures. We love them for their sassiness, cuteness and their beauty among many other things! They literally have a special place in our heart that we can never give to anything or anyone else. They are our purr-fect babies.
And when we are bored we often tend to play with our babies. They take out our creative side. One Japanese man, who goes by the name of YagyouNEKO, out of boredom or creativity, made costumes inspired by the anime for his cat, ‘夜行さん’ (Yagyou-san)! Damn, that name is hard to grasp but the cat has been named after a well-known ghost in the Tokushima Prefecture. Anime lovers where are you guys at? Who knew we would be catering anime lovers and cat lovers in one post! But we are glad we were able to pull this off!
So scroll down to witness these cuties in Anime inspired outfits and props!
This kitty is totally in the character for this outfit! We love!
Trendy cats serving some looks!
Vibrant VS Pastel colors
You think you have seen enough cuteness? You are mistaken because we have alot more of these Anime cats in stock for you! To bless your eyes with adorableness! These furr balls surely knows how to melt our hearts! So we won’t keep you waiting, scroll down to enjoy rest of the pictures!
Love the confidence of this baby!
Detailing at its finest! Love the dedication to this outfit.
That pose could kill us!
Kitty loves chilling with the outfit!
Digging this outfit!
Posing game strong!
Totoro and Catbus giving out adorable vibess!
Kitty is tired after trying on the costume multiple times!
That red bow has our attention!!
A mini bus for the kitty!
The deetails of this costume!
you may bow!
Vibe Check!
Hopefully, you enjoyed this post as much as we did because these cats are too adorable for words! They have surely melted our hearts with their poses and how gracefully and confidently they pulled off all of these outfits! They should be cat models because they slew at this! We see so much potential in these furry lil balls of happiness! If this made your day better, share it with your loved ones and make theirs better too!