I should know, I have spent most of my life using skype or similar services rather than making a call directly. Unless you get a package or it is an emergency, it is never recommended to call a person in another country. However, this particular guest wasn’t listening when the hotel clerk told him this.
She warned him not to do just that but after all what do women know? So it is no surprise that at the end of his stay, the total charge was quite insane. He wasn’t going to let this go and the hotel staff was afraid, he might not pay. So the manager took matters into her own hands and decided to do something about her unruly guest.
Source: Reddit
Geez, I was using those phone cards back then. Calls were a few cents a minute depending on where you were calling. Literally sold in every convenience store. –nickis84
In all fairness, hotel phone rates can be ridiculous. A hotel I stayed at didn’t give me any information on the phone rates. I asked the front desk how much my bill was and he jokingly said $500. When he checked my bill was actually over $600.
Was all local calls. I had forgotten to bring my phone to the hotel. Guess I should’ve gotten a taxicab and gotten a new iPhone and gotten unlimited calling for the month. But I guess the hotel was more convenient.
(And by the way, I didn’t complain at all. I paid my hotel bill. Was friendly with the front desk person. They took some off. I made more calls still so my bill still ended up being what was originally mentioned). –dave024
Have you ever had to deal with customers similar to him? if so how did it go? Comment down below and let us know.