
35 ‘Weird Facts’ About The World That You Never Knew Before

  • By Sana
  • December 31, 2022
  • 5 minutes read

Facts about the world increase our knowledge.

Some people have this weird interest in knowing facts about the world. They increase our knowledge. Some facts are so weird and interesting that we cannot believe they could be true. Facts are like a bag of chips; you cannot stop yourself from having them. Once you start reading facts, you would want to read more and more of them. Today’s post will add to your knowledge because this list includes 35 weird facts about the world that you never knew before. An Instagram page “Weirds Facts” posts weird facts about the world and has more than 1.2 million followers. So get ready and scroll down.

1. A Chinese farmer spent 16 years and sued a chemical company for polluting his village.

2. Syndrome K, the deadly and highly contagious illness:

3. This guy spent his savings to send 33 students to college:

4. Iceland ranks first for gender equality in the world:

5. Dolly Parton sends free age-appropriate books to children from birth to age 5.

6. Women behind “Somebody loves you”:

7. A single gay man adopted a girl with Down Syndrome:

9. A dog that pays with leaves:

10. People bury things that are more valuable than cars but nobody would care:

11. Steve Buscemi was a firefighter from 1980 to 1984.

12. 600 men showed up at the school event to help students who didn’t have fathers.

13. A cow escaped the slaughterhouse and swam to an island to live alone:

14. Joyce Diane was the first woman to win the game show “The $64,000 Question”:

We should always try to learn new things. There is no harm in it. We should always have a mindset that we know a little. We should keep an open mindset and always welcome new information that is useful. A research says that TikTok and Twitter have shortened our attention span. Scroll down below for more facts and information.

15. This needs to be done everywhere.

16. True love exists:

17. Mr. Roger and his blind fan:

18. It’s not easy to be a doctor:

19. This baby kangaroo would not stop hugging the teddy bear.

20. A man who made over 1000 donations to save over 2.4 million unborn babies.

21. Elephant family captured through drone:

22. Anthony Borges took 5 shots from the gun but protected 20 students:

23. Identical twins who were separated at birth:

24. Keep the beaches clean:

25. A woman who dropped her $4,000 engagement ring in a beggar’s cup:

26. How Dr. Barry J. Marshall won a Nobel Prize:

27. Billy Joel and the people in the front rows in his concerts:

28. Paramedics prepared the dinner and did the dishes for a woman:

29. Employees’ kids were allowed to study for free in Boston College.

30. A homeless man found a $10,000 check and returned it to the person it belonged:

31. The priceless smile on her face:

32. A guy who was declared dead but he survived:

33. Homeowner returned home to this:

34. Koko the gorilla smile first time in months after meeting Robin Williams:

35. Cats are bitches.

We hope these facts added to your knowledge. Let us know in the comment section down below if you enjoyed this post.

Here is a wholesome cat tax, enjoy:

Via: u/Farlequin

“I guess we can all fuck off now”

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