
30 Ingeniously Evil Pranks People Managed To Pull Off And We’re Here For It

  • By Malaika
  • 6 months ago
  • 9 minutes read
Evil Pranks

Pranks can be enjoyable to pull off.

Pranks have been a popular form of entertainment for centuries, eliciting laughter and excitement from both the prankster and the audience. I mean, it’s not surprising given that there’s a day called April Fools when you’re supposed to prank other people and all bets are off. However, it is critical to remember that pranks should be harmless and cause no physical or emotional harm to others. Pranks can create lasting memories and strengthen bonds between friends and family when done correctly.

However, this is not the case with today’s pranks. Rather, they frequently cross the line, causing unnecessary pain and damage. I’m sure we’ve all seen those YouTube videos where the pranks cross the line into bullying, and it’s never as funny as they make it seem. There is a fine line between harmless pranks and hurtful behaviour, and you must understand it in order to carry out a safe prank. Well, the people in the following stories clearly understood the assignment and pulled off some incredible pranks.

You can see for yourself by scrolling down.

This is the question that started it all when one Redditor asked people what was the most evil prank they had ever pulled off.

#1 Quite a harmless prank, as they must have realised none of them were deaf within a few minutes.


Via molnarg1102, Pexels

#2 If somebody changed my wallpaper slightly, I would feel like I was losing my mind as well.

Via Troidin, Pixabay

#3 The few minutes before the groom realised he wasn’t actually in Kansas must have been truly panic-inducing.

Via fredzout, Pixabay

#4 Leaving the remote out of reach of someone when they are sick is truly evil.

Via McSmashley, Pixabay

#5 Pranking people into drinking salt water is much better than making them drink spicy water.

Via mc_freak2013, Pixabay

#6 Thinking that you are high after eating normal brownies is truly an interesting experience.

Via itsEDjustED, Pixabay

#7 I cannot even imagine how the professor was able to take attendance when everyone in the class was named Sarah.

Via cryslea, Pixabay

#8 I am sure every sibling snitches on each other from time to time.

Via orchidlighthouse, Pixabay

#9 People who have a phobia of snakes are definitely not going to like this prank or find it funny.

Via The_Mantis-O-Shrimp, Pixabay

#10 I would love it if I could see a video of two ladies greeting each other by touching elbows.

Via wafflepark, Pexels

#11 To be fair, the co-worker is obnoxious, so he kind of does deserve it in my opinion.

Via doodlewacker, Pixabay

#12 I would pay to see the face of the person the moment they got their broken chair back in the mail.

Via NJtoTheBay, Pexels

#13 Nothing wrong with a little bit of pride, after all!

Via CRodLad, Pixabay

#14 Rickrolling someone in class through a record player is truly out there.

Via imsodumb321, Pixabay

#15 This friend must have felt like she was in a horror movie with a sentient gnome.

Via Kevin_Uxbridge, Pixabay

#16 As someone who has tried wasabi before, this is truly evil.

Via JUSTJESTlNG, Pixabay

#17 I always thought I would get a letter from Hogwarts as a kid so this would have broken my heart.

Via persistent_polymath, Pixabay

While we referred to them as evil pranks, they were all in good fun and intended to entertain rather than harm. It’s important to remember that pranks should always be done with the intention of making people laugh, not to cause harm or distress. Now, I’m not saying that some of these people didn’t use the pranks for the sole purpose of exacting revenge. However, this does not imply that they crossed the line into outright bullying.

It all comes down to striking a balance between humour and respect for the feelings of others. Pranks can be a fun way to bond with friends and family, as long as they are carried out in good spirits and everyone involved can laugh about them later.

#18 This woman was either hearing ghost noises or she just wanted to complain about something.

Via HustlePlays, Pixabay

#19 I wonder what everyone was thinking when they saw that many pictures of one person in the office.

Via captcool26, Pixabay

#20 I have to admit that seeing a lifeless skull in the dark would make anyone terrified.

Via debtincarnate, Pixabay

#21 Being able to meow just like a cat surely is a unique talent because mine never sounds close to how my cat sounds.

Via CapaxInfini, Pixabay

#22 Making your siblings think that your food will mess with their hormones is one way to stop them from eating it.

Via Illarie, Pixabay

#23 I have heard that there was a lot of paranoia in 1999 and this prank took perfect advantage of that.

Via carnabas, Pixabay

#24 Even if it was gradual, wouldn’t you notice your things moving? I definitely would notice it.


Via busted_up_chiffarobe, Pexels

#25 That is ingenious and something I need to do on my friend’s computer.


Via anon, Pixabay

#26 Having to retake your SAT would really suck if it was real so this mother knew what she was doing.


Via HeadFullOfBrains, Pixabay

#27 If this happened in the summer, I personally would appreciate ice in my shoes but perhaps that is just me.


Via AxecidentalH*e, Pixabay

#28 Making sure your higher-ups have to deal with a similar situation as you is definitely satisfying revenge.



Via InsertBluescreenHere, Pexels

#29 Plying pranks on each other in a relationship can be definitely very fun.


Via Teagalim, Pixabay

#30 I would think fortune cookies really do tell the future if I got one that mentioned something this specific about my life.


Via taeguy, Pixabay

What are your thoughts about these pranks? Do you enjoy playing pranks on others? Or do you believe that pranks are inherently mean-spirited? In the comments section below, tell us about the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone. Also, remember to share these stories with your friends so that they can have some harmless fun as well.

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