
Hilarious Russian Cat Memes Translated To English For Your Entertainment

  • By Saif
  • August 26, 2020
  • 5 minutes read

We’re all pretty familiar with the cats and their memes that are taking over the internet. We’ve all seen them here and there and we all love them. And most importantly, we want more of them. And that is what we’re doing right now. But we’re adding a little twist to these regular cat memes that you’re all familiar with. We’re talking about Russian Cat Memes. Let us hear the ‘Whaaaaat?’.

For the last few months, these Russian translated memes have been a total hit on Tumblr. The vast world of Tumblr never fails to make us laugh when we’re up for it. Especially when it comes to animals, cats to be specific, Tumblr is the best place to be at. If you’re looking for more cat memes on Tumblr, you need to check Cat Suggest ASAP! But for now, we’ve keeping you engaged with these hilarious cat memes.

Therefore, we came up with a few best Russian cat memes that were translated in English and were trending. People were absolutely loving them and so we thought we’d share some with you too. Because everyone deserves a good laugh in life. Scroll below to have some cat fun…in Russian.

1. Did the cat do math in Russian too?

via markv5

We’re fascinated!!

2. What our summer bods look is completely different from what we aspire.

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We’re pretty sure we look like this ‘elegant’ cat..

3. I love being put in a bush. Said no cat ever.

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Except for this cat who is definitely feeling under the weather…or a bush. Hard to tell.

4. When bread (& cat) is life.

via laugh2go

Bread cat is not amused.

5. Me finally coming out of my room to socialize…

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Look who has emerged from his cave‘ -Family. And all you do is pretty much sit like this and wait for food.

6. This smol cat…

via mgs3

AHHHHHHH, IT’S A SAUSAGE!!! How do you say ‘yummy’ in Russian?

7. When you try to take a nap but the nap doesn’t take you.

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You just dream with eyes open.

8. Roars like a tiger & stings like bee.

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Bee-utiful work of art!

9. This cat forgot how to cat.

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HEEELLLPPP!!! It’s sinking.

Haha! These translated Russian cat memes are amazzziiinggg!! We can’t help but laugh at these perfect descriptions of the cats. We obviously love cats and anything related to cats. But one thing is clear now, Russian memes are right on spot too. No, don’t stop yet. Keep scrolling, there are more to see.

10. Someone’s trying too hard to fit in.

via markv5

The Russians sure know their accuracy. Damn right!

11. The cat, two minutes after the room is cleaned.

via markv5

The freak is ready to attacccc

12. Just Putin it out there!

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Meow is just Me+Ow. And oww that hurts!

13. ‘What do you mean you don’t sell cat tickets?’

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They’d also like the front seats, please.

14. ‘Dang it. Who left the bag open again!?!’

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The cat shall take care of it. Goooood care.

15. This fluff ball has something to say…

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Leave the bed before it’s time for the turbo kick to chip innnn

16. This cat has got only one thing on its mind…

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Round 1: FIGHT!

17. But which is the real kiwi?

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A free ticket to Russia for those who guess right.

18. ‘Don’t look at us. We’re naked’

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These kittens are new to it. Meanwhile, mom has had enough.

Oh my, who would’ve thought Russian cat memes would be so fun to see when translated in English? Not us. But we’re amazed and in love. These memes were just not memes, they were the actual representation of these cat moods…just in another language. Know what that means? It means that the cat knows no language other than love. Just being its adorable self is enough to make the world go crazy. Share your thoughts in the comments below. And let us know which meme was your favourite.

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