
16 Wholesome Images Showcasing The Purity Of A Kid-Animal Relationship

Some animal-kids moments to blow you guys away.

Before we get started with this, I would really like to take this moment to thank whoever invented the camera. Whoever you are and wherever your decomposed body is under this planet, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. The camera is such an amazing thing to have, you know. And no, no one has to go off-board and get those expensive DSLRs. Thanks to an overnight change in technology, we now have the best of best cameras embedded right in our smartphones. What cameras allow us to do is capture moments; it is totally up to the owner what they wish to capture but if you’re like me, you’d want to capture some extremely adorable moments that make you smile whenever you look back at them.

Or if you guys are like this extremely talented photographer who goes by the name Sujata Setia, who is a British photographer, you are one of those who absolutely love capturing the wholesome moments and memories created by the innocent relationship between kids and animals. These images are very adorable and we would encourage you guys to view more of their work as it is absolutely amazing.

Scroll down below to enjoy. Trust me, you won’t be able to hold all this wholesomeness. We tried and failed. It’s that good.

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1. “From the minute go, she was the most doting big sister I would have ever met. She handed me ribbons to dress up her little sister – Serena.”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

2. “I bet!!! we all have that one friend who cracks the kind of jokes that only they find funny and only they laugh at.”

© butnaturalphotography / Instagram

3. “Every once in a lifetime, there comes by a friend who watches over you… even when you are not looking up to appreciate.”.

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

4. No more peeping at the kitchen until the dinner is completely ready…understand?

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

5. “Childhood is so much more fun if you have a sibling to share it with.”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

6. A happy family.

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

7. “Get a human sibling they said. It will be fun they said!!”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

8. Look at that face!! .

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

This relationship, I really don’t have any words for it. It is sweeter, pure, and innocent than anything we have ever experienced, and trust me you guys, this photographer did absolute justice to it. Such amazing photographers. The adorableness was spilling right out.

9. “On days when I can’t find them anywhere else… I know they’d be tucked away in some obscure corner of the house… together!”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

10. Hired a new coach to find those abs.

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

11. Gang that sleeps together, stays happily together.

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

12. “Hey! He’s not a dog. He’s my brother.”

A personal note came from Aayat’s school teacher yesterday. It said “Dear Mrs. Lal, Just wanted to let you know that we had an activity in the class yesterday where each child had to share stories about their sibling. Aayat spoke very dearly of ‘My Brother Mustang’. We all had a hearty laugh.”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

13. “Hey sis! You sure you don’t need any help?”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

14. “Ok! How about I lend you a smile today and then you promise to stay happy forever?!”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

15. “And just like that… she laughed so beautifully.”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

16. “There comes a day in every dog’s life when he finds a bitch taking a walk in the same neck of woods as him.”

butnaturalphotography / Instagram

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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