
Dog Groomer Was Called A “Dog Rac*st” By A Customer For Not Grooming Their Dog Because Of Her Dog’s Breed

  • By Malaika
  • 9 months ago
  • 5 minutes read

Some veterinarians refuse to treat all dog breeds.

Some veterinarians have preferences or biases when it comes to treating specific dog breeds, which are often based on personal experience or stereotypes. This can present difficulties for pet owners seeking care for their dogs, particularly if they own a breed that is frequently discriminated against. Understanding the reasons for this refusal and exploring solutions can help ensure that all dogs receive the necessary medical care. Pet owners must advocate for their dog’s health and seek out veterinarians who will provide care regardless of breed.

However, the vet may have a valid reason for refusing service, and any private business is permitted to refuse customers. Perhaps they do not want to admit a specific breed because of a past event, or it could be for the dog’s benefit. For example, in this story, the lady wanted to shave her dog. Shaving some dogs is fine, but it can be extremely harmful to others. That is why the vet kept rejecting her, but instead of accepting it, she began to cause more problems.

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Source: Reddit

There can be many reasons to reject a dog when it comes to a veterinarian.

It all started when a woman asked OP to shave her Malinois mix breed, which is usually not a good idea.

OP was clear that they wouldn’t be able to do it, but she even brought her mother into the conversation.

OP talked to the owner of the business, and he said the same thing: he prefers not to work with Milnois Shepherds in the first place.

OP once again explained the reasoning to the lady, but she just wouldn’t stop and offered to muzzle the dog.

Via Reddit

The whole thing kept getting worse, and the lady ended up calling OP a dog rac*st.

The lady finally left everyone alone, but the comment about discrimination left quite an imprint on OP.

OP explained that he had dealt with rude customers quite a lot, but he couldn’t understand why she was so adamant about getting the dog shaved by their company.

His girlfriend wasn’t on his side either, and she gave him an example of humans being refused service just because of the colour of their skin.

The reason she wanted her dog shaved was because he is a service dog, but she is apparently allergic to his fur.

The story doesn’t end there, the lady even posted a 1-star review calling out the company for discrimination.

Via Reddit

OP thinks that he might have been in the wrong for refusing service without knowing the specific dog.

I’ve never personally interacted with a dog, but I’m well aware that dog breeds such as German shepherds and golden retrievers should never be shaved. I’m not sure why this woman is acting this way either. If she really wants her dog shaved, she can go to another vet. I am sure there are vets out there who will do whatever you ask, regardless of whether it is appropriate for the dog or not. I also do not believe it is the OP’s fault. After all, OP is not the boss; he is simply listening to what his boss is saying.

People in the comments were 100% on his side.

Some breeds should simply not be shaved.

I have to agree that the comparison was very weird and not at all appropriate.

I am sure other groomers also rejected her, and that is why she was so adamant.

Via Reddit

It might be better to ignore her from now on.

Ignoring her would be the best option here.

OP already mentioned the policy, so she should have understood that.

The dog is clearly fine, and it doesn’t sound like she has allergies or anything of the sort either.

Via Reddit

What are your thoughts about this story? Do you think the boss was wrong for refusing to shave the dog? Or do you believe the dog owner is in the wrong by insisting so strongly? What would you do if you were in this situation? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.

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