Periods are a natural biological function. There is nothing to be disgusted or ashamed about. I have seen so many guys squirming when girls talk about periods. I mean it is a less than pleasant experience but we are the ones dealing with it. And the only way to ‘deal’ with them is through various sanitary products like pads, tampons, or diva cups.
However, sometimes you just forget to replenish your stock of these products and have an emergency. And if you happen to have a boyfriend, it’s really not that weird to ask him to go buy you some. If your father and brother can buy them for you so can your boyfriend. Apparently this boyfriend doesn’t think so.
When his girlfriend asked him to go to the store and ger he pads which she desperately needed, he declined saying it would be embarrassing, and people would think he is transgender. Other than there being so much wrong with that statement why would people think that?
Source: Reddit
Don’t get me wrong, when I was young, I’d never buy these products myself because I was embarrassed. However, I realized it is normal and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
It’s quite usual here for me to grab tampons once a month on the way home from work for my fiancee, or was before lockdown.
I’m fairly sure a guy at a checkout buying tampons and a chocolate is a pretty standard thing that every checkout person has seen. But if you’re really embarrassed about what you’re buying, use self service? The self-service machine wont laugh at your fragile masculine ego. –OMGItsCheezWTF
Slight embarassment? He has no reason to be embarassed other than for his stupid behaviour. If anything people would more likely be proud of him for doing it unlike many others thinking they’re too much of a man to buy hygiene products for women.
When me and my gf got together and basically live together now it was harder for me to buy condoms a year ago than getting pads for her. –germaniko
What are your thoughts on this story? If a woman in your life asked you to go buy them pads would you feel embarrassed? Comment down below and let us know.