If you have a child, or are responsible for one, you know that kids tend to be messy. Their rooms are always littered and full of random things, and it only takes a bit to adjust them. You can still teach them and raise them to be not as messy but if your “child” happens to be a furry dog, then things get more complicated.
Take these puppies for example. There is some joy and simplicity in playing around in the mud that even humans feel. Dogs are much more instinctual creatures, so for them, it’s practically irresistible.
But you have to wonder, most of these dogs are quite fluffy and the mud mats their fur considerably. They’ll have to get in baths to clean it off, and I don’t know many dogs that are fans of baths. If they could talk, do you think they would regret mud showers if they knew they had to deal with baths afterward?
Dog fur is very different to human hair, it’s usually thicker and denser. If you’ve ever had to clean out the mud from your own hair, you know that it’s not that simple, it requires a lot of rinsing, a lot of shampoo, and a lot of tugging.
So these poor puppies… They’ll have to deal with it way worse.
Whenever I see pictures like the one above, I wonder how bad it would be for the dog if they swallowed some mud. I gag at the mere thought of it, but they’re dogs! Maybe they like it?
This is one of many times I wish they could communicate with us and tell us what’s on their minds.
10. What’s with these samoyeds and missing their faces?
We love our pets unconditionally, even on the days and times when they not only cover themselves with mud, but track that mud into our cars. It would take ages to clean it out, hours upon hours of work, but just looking at her happy face makes me think that perhaps it was worth it.