
Cats That Think They’re The Boss, And They Are Right

  • By Sara
  • December 1, 2020
  • 4 minutes read

Do you think you’re the owner of your cat? Cute.

The cat chooses the human, not the other way around. If you have a cat at home, you would agree with this statement without a doubt. Cats are very bossy and they never leave their sassy attitude. They walk around the house like they own the place, and they do. In ancient Egypt, cats were worshipped as gods. Understandably, they still act as if people worship them. And maybe we do. We chase them around trying to protect them, feed them when they ask us to, clean up after them and pick their poop. We are their slaves.

If you think you can tell a cat what to do, you are dead wrong. They do whatever they want, whenever they want and no one can stop them. They might be small but they are really assertive. Cat life must be really fun. And they get to enjoy nine of them! Scroll down below to see 22 cats that think they’re the boss:

1. Extreme weather can’t stop this catto from stealing food.

2. “I’m pretty sure my cats are planning to kill me.”

3. “She has an $80 cat bed, and yet she’s been sleeping in this bag for 2 days now and won’t get out.”

4. When your human isn’t paying attention to you.

5. “That backless plastic stool will do for you, Hooman!”

6. “Stood on the dryer, tore the wreath down, made a bed, and now just purring away.”

7. “Every morning he blocks the door and only budges when you throw him a couple of treats.”

8. “My cat Tauntaun turns into a jerk when I try to sleep.”

9. “My cat has the entire house to sit in, but settled for a plate of glitter cones.”

10. “Don’t blame me! It was already like this when I got here. ”

11. Living in the fridge so she can eat whatever she wants, whenever she wants.

Even though cats can be mean, stubborn, and even evil at times, we still love them a lot. These bossy babies also know how to give people unconditional love. And if you are lucky enough to be chosen by a catto, you would know what true love really is. The torment they put you through seems to be worth it when they finally cuddle up with you at the end of the day after dropping their tough-guy act. Cats are very precious and must be protected at all costs. Scroll down below for more bossy cattos:

12. “Hey internet company, please forget all those angry calls to tech support. I finally figured out what was wrong with my router.”

13. “I couldn’t figure out why the fabric felt wet but he’s got the thread running through his teeth as I sew — that’s my cat, cleaning his teeth while I’m busy with work.”

14. “My friend’s cat likes sitting on her head — literally.”

15. That lifted paw is coming straight to your face.

16. “Meanwhile, back at the house…”

17. “Every time I try to play the Sims…”

18. “My cat loves to shred toilet paper. Today, she found my entire stash.”

19. “Just why?”

20. “Oh, were you gonna cook something in that?”

21. “Catzilla! Messi photobombed my friend’s bridal pics!”

22. “My cat can’t stand hugs.”


Is your cat bossy too? How do you handle it? Share your stories with us in the comments below.

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