Well, the chances are you own a cat. Wait, let me correct that. The chances are your cat owns YOU.
We all know that cats can be a bit bossy sometimes. But, what most people don’t understand is that they think THEY own your house with everyone and everything in it. It’s so weird how so many of us have not noticed this yet. Have you seen the way they just sit anywhere they want? And when you try to move them they hiss at you? It’s as if whatever their small paws touch instantly becomes their property.
I used to think that cats only bully us sometimes, but after seeing the following memes it has become obvious that cats lowkey think they own us. The following memes that we have collected for you not only shows how bossy cats are, but also shows just how much we all love them regardless of how they behave.
Scroll on below and enjoy!
It’s weird how they end up making us forget everything they ever did. It’s like they are master manipulators. If you think about it, it all makes sense. They use their cuteness as a cover and exploit us. I say, it’s about time before these cats take over the world.
Or…what if they already have and we are just too confused to see it? Omg.
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