Cats have pearly white teeth called teefies and they look adorable with their sharp teeth out. Cats are born without teeth and they grow their teeth after 2-3 weeks. We humans, have 32 teeth, have you ever wondered how many teeth does a cat has? Cats usually have 26 baby teeth and 30 permanent teeth. Interesting, right? Some cat owners love their cats’ teefies for all the right reasons because cats look adorable with their tiny, sharp white teeth. Teefies help cats capture their prey and rip the meat off. There is no need to be scared of these cute-looking felines with long teeth because they are not going to bite or eat you.
Teefies are not like human teeth, cats have crowned teeth which sometimes make them look like little devils or vampires. Whatever they look like, we admit the fact that cat teefies can win our hearts. Cat owners love taking pictures of their cats’ teefies and share them with the world. Not only does the cat owners love clicking their pictures but the cats also enjoy getting their pictures clicked. They would smile and pose for the camera. We bet these adorable teefies will make you smile. Scroll down to check the cutest teefies.
Source: Aqenix
Source: jasontaken
Source: -LoremIpsum-
Source: cheechandbong42069
Source: Dionlewis123
Source: Komplexs
Source: FruityImpracticality
Source: nicoledannyel
Source: atomlib_com
Source: Elizajaynez
Source: aigle321
Source: Pineappleby
Source: teedpop
The picture says it all, how happy is this kitty with his human. Looks like he loves taking selfies with daddy. Did you notice how irresistibly cute he is with his eyes closed but teeth out? He is kinda proud of his sharp teeth. Cats also love biting different things with their strong teeth just to prove to humans how strong their teeth are. We would recommend you brush their teeth for their dental health.
Source: mirandanielcz
Source: pm_me_cutestufff
Source: Lacted136
Source: emianne610
Source: lizazvk
Source: Generic_Badger
Source: FancyMustardJar
Source: Regreddit4321
Source: Sufficient-Chance-24
Source: DrBumfuzzle
Source: WhiskeyKiloLima
Source: watercolorstain90
Source: Max100ceTD
Source: AlphaTyger
Source: noeelise
Source: megajazz
Source: ATinySnek
Cats with the prettiest smiles are our favorite. Their pretty smile makes their teeth pop out and let us take a clear view of their teefies. They are tiny and sharp but they are not going to harm their owners. Have a look at this little kitty who looks more like a little lioness with fierce expressions on his face. Absolutely divine! We have more teefies for you, keep scrolling down to enjoy more!
Source: laranur
Source: keysersozeisme
Source: hazel037
Source: FruityImpracticality
Source: waldbeeren
Source: Sharpo1702
Source: peduuzis
Source: mageosnsu
Source: idkvroo
Source: Catseni
Some kitties love getting their pictures clicked while others hate coming in front of the camera. Some would smile, some would yell while others show their cute teefies while snoozing. Cats have their ways of blessing our day with teefies. These kitties can easily fit in at any place, whether it is their hooman’s jacket or a bathroom sink. They would sit there in peace with their tiny teefies out and we love the beautiful views of finding cats in unusual places. Scroll down to view more of these adorable teefies.
Source: pursuitoffruit
Source: _breeeeezy
Source: PauseButton
Source: Slow-moving-sloth
Source: Kami_Azaaaaaa
Source: lil_kotter
Source: flabbypandas
Source: TayTheCynic
Source: thewolf423
Cats are adorable but teefies are a cherry on the top. If you have any cat that has cute tiny teeth, share their pictures with us. We would love to see their teefies. Did these cat teefies bring a smile on your face? Share in the comments down below!