
Cat Jumps To Hug Owner Everyday, Doesn’t Realize That She’s Huge Now

  • By Sara
  • April 20, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

No matter how old they get, they will always be our little babies.

No, I am not talking about human babies. I’m talking about our fur babies, cats and dogs of course. When you adopt a small kitten or puppy, you aren’t prepared for how fast and how big they grow. You still let things roll the way they have been since day one. They will always be your smol babies.

Tihon is a Maine Coon cat who does not understand the concept of growing up. He loves to cuddle with his human every single day. “He likes to sit in my arms all the time. He doesn’t like to be alone, and always follows me wherever I go, even the bathroom,” Tihon’s mother told Love Meow. “He is very quiet. In Russian ‘Tihon’ is quiet, hence his name. He purrs quietly and lovingly. His mission is always to be near me,” she added.

Tihon has odd eyes, one is blue and the other is hazel. He loves curling up in his human’s lap, even though his is very big.

More info: Instagram

This is Tihon.

“He likes to sit in my arms all the time. He doesn’t like to be alone, and always follows me…”

“He is very quiet. In Russian ‘Tiho’ is quiet, hence his name.”

“He purrs quietly and lovingly. His mission is always to be near me.”

The odd-eyed angel waits every day to hug his parent!

Tihon is not Tihon without cuddles.

Tihon lets the smaller cat in the house be the boss. He doesn’t mind.

Which shows he isn’t power-hungry, he just wants some cuddles!

There is not a day he doesn’t hug his human!

What do you think of this adorable kitty? Let us know in the comments below!

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