In this story, OP (24F), entrusted her beloved Greyhound pup, Goose, to her sister May (32F), while embarking on a week-long trip with friends. Upon returning, OP was devastated to learn that Goose had vanished under May’s watch, only to discover later that May had callously given him away for money, falsely claiming that OP didn’t want him. Despite OP’s desperate pleas, the new owners refused to return Goose, prompting a confrontation with May, who admitted to prioritizing financial needs over Goose’s welfare. In a fit of anger and desperation, OP took May’s dog, Dazey, as a form of retribution, declaring her mental well-being as paramount.
So keep on scrolling down below to read the whole story narrated by OP and make sure to read it till the end otherwise, you won’t be able to let us know whether the protagonist is an A-hole or not.
1. OP asks users if she’s an A-hole for taking her sister’s dog after she gave OP’s puppy away. Let’s find out what users have to say.
2. OP had a 6-month-old male Greyhound pup that she called Goose. OP always had a longing for a greyhound and she was quite excited for it.
3. OP’s sister May offered to look after Goose and OP notified her about sending money for Goose. Later only to find out about Goose’s disappearance.
4. OP was saddened to hear about Goose. Therefore OP returned early from vacation to find Goose. May told OP that she set him free to play but 20 minutes later he vanished and informed OP.
5. OP’s friend discovered online about a family in possession of Goose. It turns out May gave him away to my niece’s mate. OP rushed to them explaining it all, and requesting him back.
6. OP explained about May’s fraud as OP was the owner. OP offered to pay but they just refused. Angry OP went to May seeking an explanation and upon seeing proof of her doing May confessed she did this for money.
7. OP burst into May’s house furiously and took her dog Dazey as retribution. OP told May to better get Goose back or OP can take away Dazey and take legal action.
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