
Woman Tries To Push Her Granddaughter In The Pool And Then Stops Her From Leaving

  • By Malaika
  • September 2, 2023
  • 4 minutes read

Grandparents aren’t always considerate.

When we think of grandparents, we imagine sweet old people who cook delicious meals for their grandchildren and give them sweets. However, this is not the case for everyone. After all, we’ve all heard about the trauma that children can carry from their parents, and it’s often an endless cycle in which people end up hurting their children in the same way that their parents hurt them. However, in this story, the parents appear to care about their children, whereas the grandparents are perfectly content to treat their grandchildren horribly.

Because her family lives quite far away, it is extremely difficult for OP to visit them. So, whenever she makes the trip, she tries to make it as enjoyable for everyone else as possible. This time, however, it was clear that her parents were not as welcoming as they should be. I’m not saying her parents should have rolled out the red carpet for her arrival, but the way they treated her children was abhorrent. And I wouldn’t even justify it as a simple joke.

You’ll see what I mean once you scroll down and take a look for yourself.

Source: Reddit

Things were going well at the start until she realized her daughter would be sleeping on a yoga mat.


OP did offer to get a blow-up mattress but her mother was upset by the idea so she dropped it.


Things continued on this path when her daughter didn’t want to swim but OP’s mother forced her.


The girl was clearly uncomfortable and later told as such to her mother.


OP was quick to rectify the situation but her mother didn’t really understand what the big deal was.


So she decided to end her trip early and leave the home.


But she couldn’t accomplish that easily as her mother had sold that ticket already.


OP has become so used to this that she didn’t even realize the same thing was happening to her daughter.


And that is how her kids ended up blocking their grandmother.


To be honest, I would be furious if my parents treated people I care about in this manner. That was not a joke at all, and I would classify it as bullying. The girl made it clear that she did not want to win. What part of her statement was unclear? They disregarded the girl’s wishes and made her feel uncomfortable. Not only that, but the way they treat the entire family is atrocious. I would have dismissed it as a mistake if OP’s mother hadn’t stopped her from leaving, but she did, so keep that in mind when you cut off contact with her.

People in the comments were 100% on her side.

They urged her to be more angry as well.

After all, what she had done was not excusable.

The woman sounds horrible to live with.

Going no-contact is the best solution.

Some people even shared their own experiences.

What are your thoughts on the matter? What would you do if you were in this situation? Have you ever gone through something similar? If so, how did you handle it? Let us know in the comments, and please share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.

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