A lot of people think that cats are not good pets. They say and think that cats do not show affection that often, which means that they expect unrestrained and unconditional love from their pet in a way that they can see and understand. That last bit is important, because every single cat grows fond of its owners, but doesn’t express it the way you think they should. For example, why do cats leave dead animals at your feet? Well, it’s because they think human beings are just giant hairless cats and they’re trying to feed you.
As predators, the only reason they’ll try to feed you is if they see you as one of their own. Cats being apex predators is important, because that’s how they show their love and trust the most frequently. Them turning their back on you, slowly closing their eyes in what’s known as a kitty kiss, are all signs of them being comfortable being vulnerable around you. They know they can trust you.
So just sit back, and read up on some wholesome cats being generally sweet.
#1 My Cat Learned That The Alarm Sound Means I Wake Up, And She Snuggles On My Chest Right After. I’ve Been Setting My Alarm 30 Minutes Early Every Day To Give Her More Happy Time
Maria Bustillos, author of “Cat Is Art Spelled Wrong”, has said;
Cat videos are the crystallisation of all that human beings love about cats, the crux of which is centred in the fact that cats are both beautiful and absurd. Their natural beauty and majesty are eternally just one tiny slip away from total humiliation, and this precarious condition fills us with a sympathetic panic and delight, for it exactly mirrors our own.
#2 The Time I Rescued A Crying Kitten Outside My Cat Cuddled Her
Even the estimable dog doesn’t quite work in the subject passage, for dogs, while they may from time to time be noble in reason and express and admirable in form and moving, are not quite infinite in faculty, nor godlike in apprehension; dogs are in general simpler and more trusting, and lack the extra dimension of mystery that belongs to cats, and to ourselves.
#4 This Is Tiger. He Just Turned 31. We Are Told He Is The Oldest Cat In The State Of Illinois
#5 I Work In Remote Areas As A Geologist. Was Leaving My Camp This Morning And Heard Mewing. Turned And This Little Fella Followed Me And Climbed Me And Promptly Fell Asleep. I Think I’ve Been Chosen. World, Meet Spud. He’s Asleep In My Field Lab Now After Wet Food And Water
#6 Dad: We Are Not Feeding That Feral Cat. Also Dad: I Set Up A Heated Cat House In The Backward And Put A Camera So We Can Make Sure She’s Home Safe Every Night
Abigail Tucker, a writer for the New York Post, gave her own opinion as well;
This stalking and pouncing is perfect for a six-second Vine or a pithy tweet. Think of your favorite YouTube cat videos: A cat springs into a box, or bops a baby on the head without warning, or rockets out from beneath the bed. What you’re watching is an ambush.
Dogs, by contrast, aren’t surprise predators. Their wild relatives, wolves, are long-distance hunters, tracking prey for miles. Such dogged personalities make for better long narrative arcs, which is why canines outnumber cats in movies and novels. But the internet is more like poetry: nonlinear, fragmented, spontaneous and explosive, a place to simultaneously hide and strike. And from Dr. Seuss to T. S. Eliot, poetry is a rare medium in which cats are more prevalent than dogs.
#9 Hey Everyone! Back In July I Posted Our Sweet Little Rescue, Kyra. Everyone Asked To See Her Progress, Here She Is In All Of Her Glory!
#20 Never Thought This Little Fella Would Change My Life. Ptsd Is So Difficult To Deal With, This Little Fella Makes A World Of Difference. Purr On Playa.
#42 Most Of Our Friends Don’t Believe We Have A Cat. We Don’t See Him Much Either As He Mostly Hides Behind The Bed. Today, While I Was Working, He Was Brave Enough To Come Out For Pets. This Is My 15 Year Old Cat, Elwood.
#47 My Kitten Has Taken A Liking Almost Exclusively To Me Since I’m Home With Him All Day. Well Today When He ~finally~ Hopped In My Boyfriends Lap, I Snapped This Gem