
Employee Sued Boss For Damages After Getting Out Of His Contract, Asks If They’re Being Fair

In today’s story, an employee shared a complicated journey of leaving a long-time job. After six years at a small, privately owned business, OP received a better job offer from another company.

Despite the new role not being a direct competitor, OP was bound by a non-compete agreement. Seeking a release from this contract, OP spoke to his boss, who refused and then fired him the next day! What did OP do next? He sued his ex-boss.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down.

Source: Reddit

Image Credits: Christian Wasserfallen (not the actual photo)

1. Let’s find out!

2. After working at this company for 6 years with a non-compete agreement signed, OP found a better-paying job that he really wanted to move for.

3. It wasn’t a direct competitor, and it checked all the boxes, so OP decided to proceed with the opportunity.

4. OP talked to his boss about the job offer and asked if he could sign a release from his non-complete.

5. The boss refused and fired OP instead. This firing concerned the other company as well, and they withdrew their offer. This left OP with no job and a lot of worry.

They don’t have a heart. Bad bosses do not have a heart! All they care about is their profits and how to build their own asset. Their workers don’t matter to them. OP must be feeling so terrible. The boss fired him and ate his opportunity to grow at the same time! Employees are the foundation every company builds upon. But the top management doesn’t understand that. Their ego makes them believe they are the ones doing it all. If you can’t respect them, you can’t respect your company. It is bound to fall.

This will not go down well for the boss as it never does for bad bosses. Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down to continue reading!

Source: Reddit

6. The matter went to the court as the ex-boss chose that route.

7. OP’s lawyer asked if he wanted to sue his boss for damage, to which OP agreed. He was ready to bring it all on.

8. OP’s lawyer created a suit and lodged it in court. OP wasn’t holding his shots back.

9. OP’s boss called him and went on a huge rant. He knew he was going to lose.

10. And that is exactly what happened. The boss lost, and OP ended up with a handsome amount of money.

Source: Reddit

Here’s what the AITA community had to say about this:

11. Non-completes are shown to really harm workers, and OP was right to fight back.

Via Redditor

12. Those clauses are often used as scare tactics against workers.

Via LiquidArson

13. Maybe the other company had this requirement.

Via Redditor

14. Play dumb games, and win dumb prizes.

Via ichheissekate

15. Don’t feel guilty, OP!

Via foxslatun

16. His business going down will be all his fault.

Via Alert-Potato

17. OP’s boss is one of the latter.

Via shelbyknits

18. Here comes the money!

Via yamb97

19. Every time you think of these people, you want to come up with an even worse word.

Via TexB22

20. A consequence of his own action.

Via Character-Square1065

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Geoffbernier

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