Where are all the dog lovers? This post is especially for all dog lovers. What do you call your dog? Probably a cute human-like name. Right? We love giving cute names to our doggos and then spoiling their names. Each day is a new day and with each day, we tend to give them a new name. You might have heard Lolita changing to Lolo, Lee, Lulu and Lala etc. Is not it funny to hear these names? Well, it’s funnier to create these names. Today, we have a list of dog names that have transformed into super weird and hilarious nicknames. Scroll down to browse through the list.
Via jimmington2008
Via Quaran_lean_Bae
Via joan1995
Via Freelance_Gawper
Via Scarlaymama0721
From Sprout the Destroyer to Eva Mistress of Evil. Augustus to Splooter Booty, these nicknames are original than ever and have us laughing. We wonder how Nafertiti got the name of fat potato princess. Maybe the doggo is too fat. These nicknames are stranger than ever but making us laugh really hard. Scroll down for more hilarious nicknames.
Via MollysYes
Via aya0aya
Via macy_misty
Via JBird1392
Via kendrasucks
We must confess these nicknames are hilarious and you have to be a doggo owner to come up with such a cute nickname. Are you a dog owner? Do you like giving strange nicknames to your doggo? Comment down to let us know which of the above-mentioned nicknames were your favorite?