Humans communicate with each other throughout the day, whether you know someone or don’t it is very easy to understand what the other is feeling, saying, or what sort of emotions they are exhibiting because we speak the same language. Yes, there can be language barriers when you go to a place where the native language is different compared to yours but still, reading facial expressions and understanding what they are trying to say is easy. This happens when humans communicate with humans. Let’s now bring animals into the equation. This is where the language barrier is basically impossible to climb because no dictionary or language course exists that teaches you how to Meow or Woof. Not just that, if the animal is a complete stranger to you, it is also very difficult to know what mood they are in, how they feeling, and what they want. And you really don’t want to approach an animal without knowing what mood they are in.
But, the scenario is very different when you actually know that animal. As a pet owner, there are basically no barriers between you and your pet animal. You understand all their emotions just by a wag of the tail. Do you guys know if a dog wags its tail, it could either mean they are extremely happy or extremely nervous? Only the owner of the dog can know because you learn to understand their emotions and expressions as well. It’s not just the wag of the tail but also the facial expression of the animal you have to look at to know exactly what your good boy is thinking.
Today we are going to look at some animal-related situations that only the pet owners of the world can understand. They might seem very weird and random to anyone who hasn’t spent time with animals but for someone who has spent almost all their life with their pet, this is everyday stuff for them.
Scroll down below and see if you can understand any of these situations.
Via minreii / Reddit
I swear these situations are so adorable and innocent. And it really does show how strong and full-of-love this bond between an animal and a human is. There are things that this Earth can’t live without, this bond is one of those things. I really want to adopt a pet now because the urge to feel all these feelings is now at an all-time high.
Let’s look at some more situations and see if normal people can get it.
Via Legin15 / Reddit
Via alygat / Twitter
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.