We all like to think we know about pigeons. I mean, they are fairly common and can be seen literally everywhere! But boy are we wrong about that. We may have only seen 2 or 3 types of pigeons in our lives. However, there are many oddly beautiful species of pigeons that we probably never saw or heard of. But that’s okay! Because we are now going to tell you about all the other types of pigeons that you’re missing out on.
These birds are not just beautiful, they also have a very interesting history. Even the ordinary city pigeon that we see everywhere carries the most unusual history. This pigeon known as the “rock pigeon” is in fact one of the first birds that humans domesticated. They have been featured on many things including coins since 4500 BC. Yikes! Bored Panda got in touch with the Royal Pigeon Racing Association for more information about the unusual pigeons that we aren’t familiar with and the history associated with them.
Here are some of the most glamorous looking pigeons:
Is that a pigeon or an ice-cream?
Wow. This one looks like a gang leader but the colours are incredible!
We didn’t know pigeon’s have their own Queen Victoria?
Naturally beautiful curls, wow! And some of us have to get a perm to get this look.
During the interview, RPRA told Bored Panda that these pigeons are really fast and highly skilled. They can easily touch 70 miles per hour. Which is like about 113 kilometres per hour. “They have been used in both world wars due to their skills in speed endurance and their homing abilities,” the RPRA said. “They also have the ability to return to a central location so they are easy to keep—they always return. Meanwhile, pigeons have the ability to deliver messages; Julius Caesar used them in his battles to send messages to and from his troops and occupied areas.”
Imagine that thing flying in the sky! Gorgeous.
Perhaps this one is the king.
You sure that’s not an Eskimo?
Mr. Parrot? Is that you?
Well, well! What do you we have here? This one looks like a master of the pigeons with that antenna on his head.
A majority of us probably won’t believe the how wonderful these pigeons actually are. According to a study conducted in 2017, pigeons even understand the concept of space and time! Yep, just like we, human beings, do. , And how can we ever forget, they manage to come home even after an entire day of roaming anywhere and everywhere. Well, that’s because they are capable of finding their way towards their nests from approximately 1.3k miles away, which makes it about 2.1k kilometres! But that’s not even the coolest part yet. They can even get back to their nests if they have been moved far away from it and rotated here and there in hopes that they might forget the direction. Nope, they don’t.
Would you look at those CURLS!?
This one seems like an advisor of the crowned king!
They even have feathers on their feat!
“Natural habitat: bathrooms…” – Charlotte A.
I’ll have one Capuchine, please. No, like the coffee.
They must have their own little pigeon boutiques.
Are they… possessed?
How come I have never seen a pigeon with feathers on their feet!? We’re missing out on so much.
Pigeon version of mean girls? yep!
“Looks like a microphone
This one just looks angry. Or… evil?
Scientists across the world are still unsure as to how their brain work so mysteriously. Even how they navigate their way is something very extraordinary. And they have been around since 3000 BC. Cool, isn’t it?
Kabutar literally means Pigeon. Mind = Blown
Is that graffitti real or is he wearing a fancy vest underneath?
A member of the bikers gang.
Am I the only one who finds the reflection and the appearance of this pigeon creeeeepy AF!? It’s all about the angles
Did they run out of names?
For a second I thought he doesn’t have a beak. They could’ve named him English Smol-Beaked Tumbler
This one seems like a disciplined kid.
Another smol beak. Oh, how adorable!
So this one has its own Tumblr account?
Is this a giraffe of the pigeons?
I’m not sure why but, I am getting some movie villain vibes. Even the name sounds so evil.
The Pigeon Show officially ends here now. We hope you enjoyed it and were as fascinated as we were. Apart from being smart, they are adorable looking creatures too. Well, some of them are not but most of them definitely are. Here are some questions for you: Have you ever kept a pigeon as a pet? Which one did you like the most and if you were to keep one of them as a pet, which one would you choose and why? Let us know in the comments section below!