
Hilarious Pictures Of New Dog Breed : The Platypus Dog

  • By Malaika
  • July 18, 2020
  • 4 minutes read

The platypus dog is everyone’s favorite breed right now. 

And what is a platypus dog exactly? Well, it’s a dog who apparently loves smelling shoes. At least that was the only explanation I could come up with regarding these doggo’s snouts in the shoes. Or it might be that they love looking like a platypus. Who knows what goes on in the mind of a dog?

However, I can assure you that this new ‘breed’ is absolutely adorable. They come in different ‘flavors’ as well. From crocs to rain boots, they have it all when it comes to their snouts. So if you are just as curious as me to see something like this. Scroll on below and take a look.

#1 He already ate half the shoe beforehand.

#2 This sneaker must be quite comfy.

#3 His snout has gotten really swollen to say the least.

#4 Even slippers aren’t safe from this treatment.

#5 This dog sure loves smelling feet.

#6 Crocs keep the snout airy and breathable.

#7 The furriness will keep her warm.

#8 Where else was he supposed to rest his neck?

#9 This platypus has got it going on.

#10 This is an old man platypus.

#11 You can tell from his eyes he is excited about this.

There has to be some kind of science behind dogs sniffing shoes. I know for a fact even cats like to tear up shoes and get into them. But fo them it’s the about the ‘if it fits, I sit’ mentality.

#12 I can tell head from the tail in this particular image.

#13 Where is the other slipper I wonder?

#14 The red really brings out his beautiful coat.

#15 All I see is a furry rug here, no dog or platypus.

#16 He could fit himself whole in the shoe if he wanted.

#17 He only wanted to go out and play in the rain.

#18 When you can’t find your slipper first thing in the morning.

#19 I think some dogs are using shoes as a safety blanket.

#20 His snout needs a little bit of cleaning.

#21 This is one tired doggo.

What do you think of this new breed of dog? Is it just as adorable as the other breeds? And does your dog do similar things? Comment down below and let us know. And don’t forget to spread the word about Platypus dog.


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