
Amazon Mixed Up TV Delivery, Neighbor Who Got The TV Refused To Give It Back

Cheat him out of TV

In today’s story, a mistake was capitalized upon in a way that the fraud could have never been called had the fraudster not made an error. Reddit user u/Fiyero- shared that while his house was being constructed, he purchased an expensive TV from Amazon and had it delivered to his grandfather’s house. However, his grandfather never received any package but FedEx had posted the package had been delivered.

Turns out, the package got delivered to the grandfather’s neighbor’s house. The neighbor said he had ordered the same TV so maybe Amazon did a fumble. But when OP would try to get a refund or replacement, his claims would keep getting rejected and the neighbor would keep saying he would give the TV when his own comes next week.

OP felt a suspicion until it got clear when the neighbor sent a text message to OP saying he knew he had OP’s TV and that he wouldn’t be returning it. OP called the cops and showed them evidence which confirmed the neighbor was trying to fraud OP.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

Source: u/Fiyero-

1. This is going to be fun.

2. OP bought a TV from Amazon and had it sent to his grandfather’s address. He would get it once the construction of his house was complete.

3. But the package never arrived at his grandpa’s house. Instead, it went to the grandpa’s neighbor’s house who had ordered the exact same TV.

Maybe the neighbor took the TV in thinking it was his.

4. The neighbor said OP can have his TV, the same model, which is going to arrive next week.

5. The guy then called OP to tell him Amazon had asked him to keep the TV and tell OP to file for replacement. OP said his request had already been denied.

6. The next morning OP called Amazon and they told him to try and get his TV back from the neighbor because his claim got denied again.

7. OP then called his neighbor who said he will only send the TV when it arrives.

8. After the neighbor hung up, he sent OP a long message saying he was not going to return his TV.

Okay, this took a major turn. This last piece of text clearly indicates that the neighbor is frauding OP. This is making me think the neighbor never ordered a TV. And the fact that a delivery arrived at his house, which had already been paid for, the neighbor chose to capitalize on the opportunity and it turned out to be an expensive TV. So why not, right?

Wow, this is terrible! Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/Fiyero-

9. OP decided to drive to his grandfather’s house to sort things. He reached there and called the police on the neighbor.

10. OP showed all the text messages the neighbor had sent to OP claiming he had his TV and the pictures of it as well. When the police talked to the neighbor, he tried to create a new story.

11. Because OP had evidence, he got his TV back. When the neighbor contacted OP’s grandfather. Grandpa got really angry with OP for what he did.

12. He said OP shouldn’t have called the cops on his neighbors, and that his act defamed him.

13. But OP was firm on his stance saying that the old dude had no right on his TV.

Source: u/Fiyero-

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

14. Exactly what I think. The guy got a freebie and was happy to keep it. The unfortunate circumstance here was that OP’s grandpa knew the neighbor.

Via Justachokinvictim

15. It was an expensive TV. OP had to.

Via Amazing_Pie_6467

16. He won’t be able to show any original order invoice because he never ordered the TV. He was a fraud!

Via spanish_john22234

17. To be honest OP should be held accountable for this. They sent an expensive pre-paid delivery to the wrong address.

Via AmandaStarshine

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via SymphonicOtter

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