
Redditor Calls CPS On Neighbor Mom Who Leave Their Kids On Her And Her Roommates To Take Care Of Them

Parents often need a break, so it’s common to rely on someone trustworthy to babysit once in a while. But you cannot force someone to do it.  OP (20F) shares an apartment with Casey (24M), Nellie (19F), Hannah (21F), and Hannah’s 8-month-old daughter. Their neighbors, John (30M) and Jane (25F), have 1-year-old twins. Lately, John and Jane have been using playdates to leave their kids with Hannah and the others, sometimes for hours without answering their phones.

OP loves kids, but everyone in the apartment is either working, in college, or both. This situation has made them late to class or work multiple times. Yesterday, as they were leaving for lunch and shopping, John asked Hannah to watch his kids while he saw a movie. OP told him they’re not babysitters and if they left the kids again without answering, they’d call social services. John called them spineless leeches. Other parents in the complex said OP and the housemates were harsh and should be more compassionate.

via Reddit

Scroll down below to read the story in OP’s own words.

1. OP told their neighbor that they and their roommates aren’t babysitters and cant be expected for the job whenever she wants.

2. OP  shares an apartment with Casey, Nellie and Hannah who has an 8-month-old daughter. The issue concerns their neighbors.

3. John (30M) and Jane (25F) have 1-year-old twins. They often leave their kids with Hannah and OP for hours without answering the phone.

4. OP loves kids but can’t babysit often due to work and college. They’ve been late because they can’t contact John or Jane.

5. Yesterday, as OP and housemates were leaving for lunch, John asked Hannah to watch his kids while he went to see a movie.

6. Other parents said OP and housemates were harsh to new parents and should be more compassionate.

7. OP and housemates called CPS on John and Jane, decided to avoid them, and plan to move soon since the lease is up.

via Reddit

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

8. Your neighbor should respect your boundaries.

9. Your neighbor should have asked before assuming.

10. Your neighbor needs to find alternate childcare arrangements. NTA.

11. Your neighbor should find a professional babysitter.

12. Asserting your boundaries is perfectly reasonable.

13. Your neighbor should make appropriate childcare arrangements.

14. OP is NTA for setting boundaries on babysitting requests.

15. That’s such a strong word to use for soe=meone

16. It’s okay to say no when required.

17. John and Jane are the real leeches.

18. OP did the right thing putting her foot down.

19. Such people carry the entitlement in themselves for ages.

20. Standing your ground is crucial at times like these.

via Reddit

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting our website. Have a nice day!

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