
Redditor Asks If They’re Wrong For Wanting To Report Neighbor Who Is Running An Unregistered Laundry Service

  • By Malaika
  • 7 months ago
  • 5 minutes read

It is never acceptable to question someone’s source of income.

When considering someone’s source of income, keep in mind that everyone’s livelihood should be respected and valued. It is never acceptable to discriminate against or judge someone based on how they make their money. In today’s world, where it can be difficult to determine whether you’re right or wrong, you sometimes have to take a stand. This is especially true in cases where your neighbours are involved.

As someone who has spent her entire life dealing with neighbours, I can sympathise with the situation described below. After all, you don’t want to put your nose where it doesn’t belong. However, it is sometimes necessary to do something you dislike in order to keep things fair for everyone. And, while I am not the biggest rule-follower, it is not acceptable to violate rules and laws when they cause inconvenience to others. That is exactly what is happening in this story, where the OP’s neighbour is running an illegal laundry service out of her apartment.

Scroll down to read the entire story for yourself.

Source: Reddit

Nobody enjoys doing their laundry.

Neighbour Laundry

Via Ekaterina Belinskaya (not the actual photo)

Sticking your nose into your neighbour’s business is never a good idea.

The apartment complex that OP lives in has discounted washers and dryers, which are pretty cheap.

However, she hasn’t been able to sue them for the past few weeks since they are always full.

The reason they are always full is that a woman from another apartment is apparently running a laundry business.

OP wanted to talk it out with the lady, but she isn’t fluent in English, so it was difficult to do so.

Via Reddit

OP wants to tell the landlord about this issue, but she doesn’t want to sound like Karen, and nobody else has complained about it.

That is why OP asked Reddit for advice, and she ended up sending an email to her landlord talking about the laundry issue.

As it turns out, she wasn’t the first one to complain about it, and the landlord has already found a solution that will let everyone use the washers and dryers for free.

The landlord didn’t want to call anyone out, so they instead elected to give everyone 10 complementary uses every week.

There is also a little summary for those who don’t want to read the full story.

Via Reddit

I feel bad for the neighbour because she appears to be working hard to make ends meet, which is difficult in this economy. However, she should have anticipated that someone would say something eventually. It’s important to remember that rules and laws exist for a reason, and breaking them can have serious consequences. It’s possible that the neighbour didn’t consider the consequences of her actions. I think the OP was correct in reporting her to the landlord. After all, the laundry machines belonged to everyone in the apartment complex, so she shouldn’t be the only one who could use them.

Most everyone in the comments was on the side of the OP.

OP deserves to use the machines as well.

The neighbour might not have even realised that she was making things difficult for everyone else.

The landlord clearly needed to know.

Via Reddit

This is exactly what OP ended up doing.

It is understandable to feel bad about things like these.

It is the landlord’s job to enforce the rules, after all.

The OP was correct in reporting her.

The service was meant for everyone in the building.

I am sure this is why the landlord found a solution quickly.

Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how OP dealt with the situation? Do you think she should have said nothing to the landlord? Or do you think she was right to report her neighbour? What would you have done if you were in the OP’s position? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.

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