
Wholesome Posts That Will Make You Believe In Humanity Again

  • By Malaika
  • October 28, 2022
  • 4 minutes read

Losing your faith in humanity is easy.

Especially in this day and age where the worst of humanity is all on show on the Internet. It only takes a second to find the worst human beings in the world and it is available at your fingertips. Not only that but Youtube seems to love showcasing people doing dumb things and you know it is going to end in the disaster which it always does. I mean, who doesn’t remember the trend where people were eating tide-pods and let us not even mention when people were licking toilet seats.

I know that everyone has stupid moments and we all do dumb things but these kinds of things make you lose faith in humanity. However, we are here today to restore. I didn’t think it was possible but the Internet is here to save us for once and we get to see wholesome posts that will surely make you smile. And while animal pictures always do that for me, sometimes you want to believe that there are good humans out there as well.

So if you are ready for some much-needed wholesomeness, just scroll below to take a look.

#1 Blood has nothing to do with the family.


The best family is the one that you choose yourself and one that doesn’t judge you no matter what.

#2 They really took that twin bit to a whole new level.


The shining twins have nothing on these adorable Grandmas.

#3 Okay, this is making me smile and cry at the same time.


#4 This is seriously beautiful!


While this is wholesome, I would never meet with my Internet friends like this.

#5 Every picture is made better by a dog in it.


#6 It actually looks like a part of the shirt in the first picture.


This is honestly beautiful and I have never seen anything like it before.

#7 This is sort of bittersweet and wholesome at the same time.


#8 That picture was definitely worth all the hassle.


Trust falls are nothing for this guy. But I am glad that he trusts his friends so much.

#9 This girl deserves some props for her achievements.


Here we are lying in our beds scrolling through Reddit all the time.

#10 That is way too adorable and I bet the guy was thankful.


#11 It is always weird how life turns out.


#12 She just wants to make sure that no one steals her friend’s information.


This article about wholesome posts was missing one thing. Cat tax!


This adorable girl is Molly and I have to say that I might just be getting hypnotized by those eyes. I never even know that eyes of that color could exist in real life but I have been proven wrong. Are we sure that this isn’t photoshop?

Did these make you smile? Or have you already seen all of these before? If that is the case then we apologize and let us make it up to you as you can always surf the rest of our website for more wholesome content. Do you have a story that is even more wholesome and adorable than the ones mentioned above? if so, why not let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share these posts with your friends to bring a little light to their day as well.

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