
This Judge Gave A Very Unusual Sentence For Animal Cruelty And Won Hearts

  • By Sara
  • July 27, 2022
  • 4 minutes read

Check it out below:

A judge who sides with the voiceless and gives the abusers the taste of their own medicine.

Judge Mike made sure the convicted pay for their crimes and every abused animal is served justice. He laid out some punishment options for the abusers. He made them choose between jail and a reasonable one-day punishment that suited the crime. During his tenure, he used lightweight humor in the courtroom and served justice to all.

No animal deserves to be harmed.

Animals have rights, just as much as people do. They share this planet with us and live in our cities /towns, it means they are also a member of our society. They are voiceless, they can’t speak our language but they do understand it. They are meant to be loved and loved only. No harm should be done to them under any circumstances. If you can’t keep them with you like family, then please do not enslave the poor soul. Spare them their life and let them live. Just the way we have families and children to feed, they do as well. By harming them we’re harming their family.

It is important to put some people back into their places.

Judge Cicconetti served in office for 25 years before he retired in September 2019. During his time in the office, he solved many cases and made sure people think twice before violating the laws. He has always been extremely popular among the animal-lovers and he still is due to his unusual punishments. This one time during a hearing in court, he sentences 26 years old housewife Michelle Murray a reduction in her imprisonment for spending one night in woods alone. She had abandoned kittens in the forest on a cold winter night.

“How would you like to be dumped off at a metro park late at night, spend the night listening to the coyotes … listening to the raccoons around you in the dark night, and sit out there in the cold not knowing where you’re going to get your next meal, not knowing when you are going to be rescued?”

Michelle Murray being taken to the forest for spending one night there.

News 5 Cleveland via YouTube

“The message I want to send to the defendant is, ‘look, you did something stupid and you’re going to pay for it by doing something stupid. Hopefully, that clicks. I can’t say we didn’t have a little fun doing it over the years. We have. I’ve entertained myself by doing it. But there’s always been a point to doing it.”

It is important to school people and make them realize what they did was wrong.

“I can’t interpret the thoughts of a dog, but boy if dogs could tell you how they felt: abandoned, scared, frightened, and sick. Well, maybe you should get a little taste of that.”… I want you to sit there for eight hours tomorrow, to think about what you did to that dog while you smell the odour. If you puke, you puke.”

Please don’t just go around punishing the poor animal for God’s sake.

It was definitely a need of the hour.

Totally agreed.

This judge truly deserves a great deal of appreciation.

The doggo seems so happy.

Judge Mike is not only an animal lover but also a proud dog dad. Meet his Burmese mountain dog, Kasey. He seems so happy to be with his dad, spending some quality time with him. After his retirement, Judge Cicconetti is spending his time with his beloved family and his doggo in Painesville, Ohio where he was born, raised and served. He loves his hometown and has no intentions of moving elsewhere.

Two best friends riding a golf cart.

The world needs more just people like Judge Mike Cicconetti. We highly appreciate all that he has done in his tenure for the voiceless little members of our society. They deserve to be taken care of as they can’t stand up for their rights and fight the unjust. We have to protect them and make this world a better place for ourselves as well as for them. What do you guys think of Judge Cicconetti’s unique style of sentences? Let us know in the comments below.

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