You have to do everyday tasks like everyone else. Even with your mind creating barriers for you, you have to function just like normal people to survive in this world. Even though there has been a lot of awareness for mental illnesses lately, there are still a lot of people who just simply refuse to believe that these psychological problems exist.
It is very difficult to explain what these illnesses do. They take your identity away from you. They cause you to do things you would have never done if you were normal, and then later drown in regret. These illnesses cause hindrance in even the simplest of tasks, like brushing your hair or getting out of bed. This is why some people who are victims of these illnesses are considered “lazy” or just “careless.”
What better way to depict the horror of mental illnesses than art? Artist Shawn Coss has taken a step forward and demonstrated through his illustrations what it is like to have mental health issues. These will open your eyes. See them down below:
Source: Instagram
As someone suffering from a borderline personality disorder, I can understand the struggle of other people who go through mental illnesses. Some days the mood swings are so bad even you don’t understand what’s going on. You feel like your friends and family will grow tired of you. You want to do something about your condition but you just can’t. Sometimes you just helplessly lie in bed for days trying to gather up the courage to just get up.
If you feel like you are suffering from any kind of mental health issues, please open up or seek help. There is always someone who is there to listen. It could be a family member, a friend, a coworker, or even a therapist.
What do you think about this amazing art? Show some love for the artist in the comments below!