
HOA Karen Causes Entire Neighborhood Get Banned From Their Favorite Pizza Place

  • By Tayyaba
  • 10 months ago
  • 4 minutes read

Usually bad tippers tend to get away without consequences, and their lousy tips pass by completely unpunished. However, the Karen in today’s Reddit story proved otherwise. Her terrible tip left a pretty big impact, basically causing the whole neighborhood to get banned from a popular pizza joint. The hilarious story was shared on the highly appropriately named community called “f**kHOA.” Today’s story was shared on Reddit by u/kytulu, who had to deliver pizzas for a very large order in 2000’s. The receiver of the order was someone from the neighborhood home owners association, who left an atrocious tip, resulting in the pizza outlet simply announcing to refuse future deliveries to the entire neighborhood. Keep on reading to see what happened!

Source: u/kytulu

#1) Let’s dive into this one!

#2) OP brings us back to the 2000’s explaining how he had to get a second job to struggle less.

#3) When OP’s now ex-wife saw an ad for a pizza place, she badgered OP to apply. OP got used to the hectic routine and was preparing for a normal saturday.

#4) OP describes their delivery area, also letting us know that the HOA invited every resident to a pizza party.

#5) A lot of pizza was ordered and it took multiple trips to deliver it. When it was time to pay, the host made a check for a few hundred dollars plus some loose change.

#6) The loose change was meant to act like a tip. OP went to the store and informed the manager who became very angry.

#7) OP’s manager cussed the HOA manager out and put the whole neighborhood into the “Do Not Deliver” area and gave everyone who worked there an extra tip.

For this story, Redditors had two polarizing opinions. Half of the users that left comments below this post from three years ago believe that the pizza place’s manager was defending his employees, and he’s a hero without the cape. Other users saw right through the whole scenario and immediately noticed that the manager burst on the customer to tip, but doesn’t pay his workers minimum range to be able to survive. Keep on scrolling to read the comments down below for yourself!

#8) That’s true!

#9) Can’t believe people like these exist.

Via Fanciestpony

#10) Oh how the tables have turned!

Via trey74

#11) Usually rich people are the ones who are very selfish.

Via therumorhargreeves

#12) Than all of us thought!

Via Lungus30

#13) Non-tippers have to deal with long waiting times.

#14) Same! Being from a non-tipping culture, this is a weird post.

Via dreznu

#15) That’s a pretty good idea!

Via 8604

#16) It’s a never ending cycle, that’s what it is.

Via Dimcair

#17) Mandatory tipping is a mess honestly.

Via Arrow_Maestro

#18) Everyone who’s been through it, understands.

Via weregonnaneedmorewax

#19) Debatable.

Via MrPureinstinct

#20) Yeah, didn’t see anyone else talking about this. This is so important.

Via flamewolf393

Woah, this was quite a story. A lot of conflicting answers here! Let us know what your opinion about the situation is and how you would have dealt with it down below in the comments. Stay tuned to Defused!

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