A bad neighbor can disrupt the peace of a peaceful neighborhood within hours. That is how toxic they are. In today’s story, that is exactly what happened. Reddit user Rayofdeath1769 shared that things in her neighborhood were flowing so smoothly until some teenage girls moved in. The girls didn’t want to live in the dorms at their college, so they moved into an apartment complex.
Right from the get-go, no one liked them, as they didn’t follow any of the rules the neighbors had set for each other. Things escalated when they started stealing other neighbors’ parking spots despite being initially told not to do so. They eventually made OP lose her patience, and she confronted the girls for being so entitled!
2. Because OP’s mom is disabled, she has to stay home with her in their small apartment to help her out.
3. Recently, some college girls moved into the neighborhood and were told to do what they wanted while staying within some defined rules.
4. A very important rule was to park in your own spot. Every neighbor owned a parking spot with their apartment number written on it.
5. It is a rule that everyone universally follows and is not written anywhere.
6. No one in the neighborhood liked these girls.
7. One of them even tried to hit on OP’s boyfriend. He ignored her.
These girls, man! They are so entitled and rotten in the head. I feel bad for their parents. OP shouldn’t waste a second reporting these girls to the apartment manager. In fact, these acts should be reported to their parents as soon as possible. They need to know what their daughters are doing.
I swear they disrupted the peace of the neighborhood in no time. I am so infuriated!
8. One of them also screamed at a neighbor’s kid for no reason.
9. The teen didn’t like the kids making too much noise while playing, however, one of the moms told her they have always played like this and no neighbor ever complained.
10. In a recent event, the girls started parking in other neighbors’ spots.
11. No matter how nicely everyone asked them not to do it, the entitled girls did not listen.
12. The teen did another stunt while OP was parked in a neighbor’s spot, keeping it secured for them to arrive.
13. OP finally yelled at the teenagers, confronting them for being terrible neighbors.
14. The teens didn’t take it well and started cursing OP and her mom.
15. OP felt bad because her mother called her rude, which made her believe she went a bit too far.