Even if you adore your stepchildren, there will be times when you must restrain yourself because you don’t want them to think you are meddling too much in their lives. This isn’t a big deal when the kids are young, but it can be a problem when they’re in their teens or older. There are many times when you have to let it go because the child basically tells you, “You are not my father/mother.” And that is when you have nothing to do, especially if your partner isn’t on your side. That is why step-parents must strike a balance between many factors, including ensuring that the stepkids do not perceive preferential treatment from the biological children.
If that sounds exhausting, imagine how difficult it must be to actually do it. That is the predicament that one father is in. You see, he loves all of his children, but he has a problem with his stepson. The stepson in question is a teenager who appears to be an expert at avoiding responsibility. Because he does not want to appear overbearing, the poster of this story has been quite lenient with him and has not punished him. However, this has now become a problem because the teen continues to push things and then flee. That is why OP basically refused to let him in the house this time until he was ready for his punishment.
Scroll down to find out how that went.
Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit
I understand feeling angry and ignored when your parent marries a new partner who acts like your parent. However, this is not the way to handle these issues. And, while the kid is young, he is not a child and must learn that his actions have consequences and that he cannot continue to run away from his issues. The biofather is also not cooperating, blaming everyone else rather than teaching his child a better way to deal with his emotions. While the OP’s method may appear harsh, I believe he must stick to his guns, or the kid will continue to take advantage of the situation.
Source: Reddit
What are your thoughts on everything? Do you think that OP is going too far and should let it go? Or do you believe he should stick to his guns? How would you react in this situation? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can offer their advice as well.