People constantly want to advance, and in order to do this, they never stop trying to take advantage of any chance that presents itself to succeed in their careers. Therefore employers who undervalue their capable staff members and never show them gratitude by increasing their bonuses or salary must expect to lose them.
OP was offered a similar opportunity with a 50% raise in another firm that was a little further distant than the prior one, but the double pay was enough to make him seriously consider the new job. OP needed to give his current employer two weeks’ notice, so he went to his supervisor and told him he was leaving. The employer inquired about the money they offered him and, after hearing about the doubling, made his own offer to let him stay. He promised OP $5 an hour and two days of remote work. Read the entire story to find how OP reacted to his boss’s offer.
Source: Reddit
Image Credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
When OP asked his boss why he made such a ‘generous’ offer, he said that OP was a valuable member of the team and worth $5 per hour. OP asked his supervisor, “If he was worth $5 per hour, how come he was underpaid until now?” OP’s boss became enraged and stated abruptly that negotiations were part of the business. OP refused to stay because he distrusted his boss and believed he would never pay him appropriately in the future. OP’s parents questioned his behavior because they expected him to respectfully decline his boss’s offer rather than confront him about it.
Now that you’ve heard the story, let’s dive into what Redditors had to say. Keep reading to discover other people’s perspectives on the matter.
By confronting his supervisor when he had already made the decision to leave the company, OP made a mistake. He ought to have ended the discussion by declining his boss’s offer and stating that he was unable to reverse his decision because he had already accepted the new post. OP may require references in the future, thus causing problems in the first place would never be beneficial to him. If OP thought that his boss would change, he was mistaken. Employers constantly seek to hire people who will accept positions at lower salary than they are capable of. What are your thoughts about it? Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment below, and check back soon for more tales on Wholesomeness.