There is a reason, everyone says that. Because on might look tough but be a softy underneath and that can happen the other way as well. Although today we are talking about the former today. You see these doggos might be big and look tough they are the biggest scared cats to ever grace this earth.
Because not only are they afraid of things half their size, most of these things can’t even harm them. However, we can’t always rationalize fear so I am not going to be too hard on them. These adorable doggos just need a safe place to rest and they will be back to their shenanigans in no time. Yes, there are certainly some dogs here who are afraid of vacuums but that’s to be expected.
So scroll on below and take a look.
“But I’m Scared” Rockys first flight.
Kittens are scary.
“Roomba, the NOPE of dog world.”
“My 85 lb dog is scared of my sister’s 1.5 lb foster kitten.”
She saw a mouse.
“You said we were going to the park. Liar!”
“Puppysitting this lil girl. She is scared of the lawnmower.”
“My dog thinks this is the safest place when the vacuum is running.”
“My dog is horrified that it’s her birthday.”
“Arky wanted to ride with me on the tractor. After I started the engine, he got scared and wrapped his front arms around my neck and his back legs around my leg.”
“My cousin’s dog watching shark week.”
“Scared by fireworks, our dog was really determined to stay next to Daddy.”
“My dog is terrified of crossing bridges.”
“He doesn’t like hardwood floors.”
“She was afraid of the other dogs barking at the store, so she climbed on the bottom shelf and tried to hide.”
“He was sleeping, when a car backfiring scared him, and he accidentally ran into the pool.”
“Dog was too scared from the fireworks. No problem, this indestructible box will keep her safe. She is no longer scared.”
“She Is Afraid Of Rain. Even When It’s Only Drizzling, She Pretends That We’re Not At Our Destination Yet.”
“Smoke detector low battery was chirping which scared the dog. This is how my special guy ‘hides’.”
“My puppy is scared of the hallway so anytime one of us go to the bedroom she waits patiently.”
“My buddy’s dog meeting their new pup.”
“Our little dog is scared of storms. But bookshelves are safety, apparently.”
“My dog is afraid of vacuums. Came out of the shower and heard him whining.”
“My dog is scared of my guitar. So I took advantage of his weakness and started eating on the back of my guitar so he won’t interrupt me.”
“Our dog is scared of thunderstorms. Took 20 minutes to find him.”
What are your thoughts on these dogs being afraid of silly things? Are your pets afraid of weird things as well? Let us know by commenting down below.