Cats, as we know, are the supreme kind of animals that are bossy and don’t like things when they’re not done according to their needs. These fluffy beings will act in ways that will even make the most powerful humans on the face of the Earth do their bidding and fall slaves to their humble kitty plans. But cats can act so weird sometimes. It’s the kind of behaviour even top tier scientists haven’t been able to crack yet. Cats are just too advanced for us. Civilization over civilization, these cats know how to run things. But with that said, cats can act weird too. And when they do, the results are adorable. Our fluffy friends can entertain (mind control) us into loving them even more.
So here are a couple of cats pictures that you have to see and cant ignore in this lifetime. Here we go.
As you can see, these kitties can act adorably awkward but still get away with their cute emotions and fool us with their majestic ways. Kitties always have the tendency to steal our hearts and make them theirs and we can’t blame them. They deserve all of our attention. Scroll down below for more derpy kitties.