We’re back and ready to talk about or favorite creature ever – cats! We all love these smol furry creatures for their distinctive qualities of being moody, picky and absolutely sassy! Our love is infinite for them and they show us their love as well by demanding attention from us all the time. Everybody got different ways of expressing their love so non cat-lovers stop judging our precious kitties!
Now we all know there is a rumor going around about cats not being very expressive about their love but we know that’s absolutely wrong! They cuddle us all the time, bring us weird af gifts, give us endless kisses sometimes, etc. Many say that cats don’t let hoomans hold their paws and they have their own theories for it but we beg to differ! Kitties do like to express their love physically as well, but we should all understand the concept of when they want to or feel like! Because that’s when it’s pure and special. So as a proof we have gathered some picture from twitter and tumblr of kitties showering hoomans with love!
Scroll down and see these images of love for yourself!
You’re crying, we’re not!
We want a tv-watching partner like this as well!
This is too wholesome!
We need this level of comfort in our lives!
“Why are hoomans so overdramatic?!”
The kitty must have sensed the nightmares and wanted to provide comfort!
Look how peacefully it is sleeping we just can’t!
We want to make our year better too, where do we find this cat?
Such an heartwarming sight!
Kitties will never get hoomans obsession with social media!
All we want in life!
This kitty got smooth moves!
We told you we will prove y’all wrong! We know the cuteness is too much to handle! Scroll down to find more kitties expressing their love. You can thank us later, hehe.
This kitty is literally being there for its hooman!
Such a loyal kitty!
This hooman is so lucky!
What do we have to do to get this?
Look at tiny kitty’s expressions!
We STAN this kitty!
Too precious!
Who knew painting could get more fun!
Look at that floofball looking like a piece of art while slepping!
The lucky one.
Too precious for words!
Such a kind kitty!
We have very reached the end of this post! While we are sad that the post has ended, our heart is filled with all the love for cats! These photos overwhelmed us for being too wholesome! We are so happy that we were able to clear the misconceptions that cats are mean and do not give love in return! As you could see for yourself these kitties literally showered their hoomans with immense love! And it is the little things that matter the most for most of us! So we are just too happy after seeing these pictures. If these kitties made you happy, share it with your loved ones to make their day a better one! And please share pictures of your cats showering you with love in the comments section below, we are waiting!