It does get hard to believe, at times, that the most loved, adopted, cherished, adored, and enjoyed pet animal in the world often doesn’t make sense at all. I am pretty sure the majority that do not like cats give their cold personality as a reason for their dislikes and never the appearance because when it comes to the looks, no other animal comes closer. Those unique patterns on their coats, the floofy fur, big cute eyes, and an extremely adorable meow all add up to their, what I like to call, eternal beauty.
But, given the amazingly attractive appearance that a cat has, their behavior and personality-driven by that behavior still remain a mystery at large. Cats are very unpredictable and pack a huge surprise when it comes to what they are feeling. The obvious language barrier does it make hard, but the senseless things that they often do make it more funny and dumb than awkward or concerning.
Let’s enjoy some cats being their senseless selves and no, there is no rationale behind it.
Scroll down below to enjoy!
It’s for a science project.
Ain’t no playing when it comes to food.
Can you tell why the tank? No, yoh can’t. Neither can I. No one can.
My brain is probably making a million regulations a day just to develop some sort of logic out of these random-ass acts that these cats are doing. There has to be. I know not for us because to us these all seem very senseless, very dumb, and very funny. But what I strongly believe is to these cats, all these cats make full sense and are a source of some emotional release.
Let’s keep the research going. Scroll down below to continue.
I would like to rest my case by stating that I could, indeed, not find any rationale for what these cats are doing and I just wish whatever the thought-out process is behind the senseless acts, the cats achieved it.
I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section down below. Cats will always remain cats. That’s the rationale.