
50 Pawdorable Photos Of Cats’ Claws From The “Murder Mittens” Community

  • By Sana
  • August 27, 2022
  • 7 minutes read

We are obsessed with everything related to cats; we even love their murder mittens.

Everything about cats gets our attention. How is it pawsible that their sharp and fierce claws do not catch our attention? We love their tiny and sharp claws that are no less than murder mittens. It is not just us who are obsessed with the murder mittens of our furry felines. There are other people too who are as crazy as us. There is a subreddit “Murder Mittens” on Reddit where all the cat owners share pawdorable photos of their murder mittens and make everyone happy. Today, we have compiled 50 photos of pawdorable cats’ claws from “Murder Mittens” subreddit. So scroll down, enjoy this list and upvote for your favorite ones!

1. Not sure if I should love him for his smolness or cuteness:

Via: leglesslegolegolas

2. Imagine you are sleeping in your bed and someone from behind touches your neck:

Via: one_of_the_millions

3. She died of cancer after spending 17 years happily. Her last murder mittens:

Via: Boomersgang

4. The little murder monster:

Via: jeffers0n_steelflex

5. Fluffy toes with murder mittens:

Via: LipidSoluble

6. Angry murder mitten in the golden hour:

Via: LauraMayAbron

7. Momma murder mitten with baby murder mitten:

Via: floofyboop1

I will murder you if you will try to touch my baby.

8. “He is 18 years old, 19 in October and he still shows us how’s the man in the house!”

Via: Mr_Johnes

He knows right how to show off his murder mittens while sleeping.

9. When you make fun of her and she gets in a full murder mood:

Via: sparrowthecryptid

10. “I want to grab all those paws.”

Via: FormerFruit

11. “Just a mitten”

Via: kit-kat315

12. “She’s 18 years old and nearing the end, but she still has phenomenal murder mittens.”

Via: this_is_for_dog_pics

13. Hello from the other side! Open the door, let me in and allow me to murder you:

Via: marinelli81172

14. “Kibble hunter”

Via: catlikejeans

15. “That’s a nice leather sofa you’ve got. It’d be a shame if something were to happen to it…”

Via: Hows_My_Drinking

16. “Harold”

Via: crisco-in-the-shower

17. “The art and the artist”

Via: Annupanda

18. “grabbed and yelling”

Via: berdistehwerd

That’s how a cat reacts after you grab her in your hand.

19. “I think I know what my kitten is planning.”

Via: Dantrol

20. “Paper bag surprise”

Via: SpeightJenkins

21. “Mini Panther ready at all times”

Via: j6000

22. “Just opened his eyes, but murder mittens ready”

Via: sof_cat

23. “Streeeeetch the murder mittens”

Via: unicorndanceparty

24. “Feeling cute, might do a murder”

Via: ndcdshed

25. “Squeaks’ adoption celebration dance.”

Via: Reptarro52

The wild, fierce and brutal claws of cats are actually called murder mittens because it is the most dangerous feature of cats. These cats can attack and harm you so better not mess with your cat if it has murder mittens. Although, cats are adorable, cuddly and furry but their mittens can injure you. Having claws or murder mittens is not a bad thing. Cats use them for their protection and to kill prey animals. You can also cut their nails if they are getting too long. But if you have no issues with their sharp claws, keep appreciating them as we do.

26. “Top 10 photos taken moments before death”

Via: Domino-Danjo

27. “I cut you”

Via: Jennybo77

28. “Yolanda (and her Murder Mittens) Are Waiting To Be Adopted From A Local Shelter”

Via: CasualGee

29. “Anytime anyone in the house travels…”

Via: jessjesssjess

30. “It’s not safe sitting on my couch.”

Via: fishbethany

31. “Daily weighing was never her favourite.”

Via: Habitual_Emigrant

32. “Chip has some serious mitts”

Via: Rocketsurgeon89

33. “The best toys are the things I hold”

Via: Veravox

34. “Just got back from the vet, 10 weeks old, beat up the vet and vet assistant pretty bad. Tired baby mittens.”

Via: noputa

35. “Just reminding you who the apex predator of the house is”

Via: tilthevoidstaresback

36. “Lucy proudly showing off her leatherworking tools”

Via: horsecock_horace

37. “Little panther”

Via: Key-Requirement-8417

38. “He’s the sweetest man 95% of the time. Until the murder mittens come out.”

Via: pooptraxx

39. “Meet Pablo”

Via: pachothemainecoon

40. “my queen reminding me who owns my house”

Via: milkinmybum

41. “4 week old murder mittens”

Via: monkaibot

42. “Death stretch”

Via: mesmergnome

43. “You haven’t forgotten our snacc agreement, have you, hooman?”

Via: Soterios13

44. “Luna inside my kangaroo pocket while I work….she got what she was after”

Via: Pantelima

45. “Dolly with her lil mitten”

Via: Trianglecourage

46. “Xena and her murder mittens.”

Via: Cuban_b13

47. “Big stretch murder mittens”

Via: Jasmine_Jinx

48. “Must ignore the murder mittens to rub belly!”

Via: First_Peach_8423


Via: aestheticathletic

50. “Coco does a little stretch from her sun bed, showing off her tiny daggers”

Via: DantesDame

Does your cat have murder mittens? Has he/she ever attacked you with his/her mittens? Comment down and share your cat’s murder mittens’ photos with us in the comment section down below!

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