There are these furry little creatures with whiskers who are pretty peculiar in nature. Yes! You guessed it right, we’re talking about cats. Their funny yet strange behaviors are what make our days brighter and our nights warmer. They may act oddly at times but mostly, it’s funny. They are a wholesome pack of energy and entertainment.
Among other habits, cats love sleeping a lot like – when we say a lot it means A LOT. Almost 16 hours a day or more. Although cats aren’t really considered to be nocturnal animals yet they have been found to be more active during the night than in the day. Coming down to the spaces they choose to sleep in, don’t even get me started over it!
These sleepy heads nap in the strangest places you can think of! Here’s a proof, when it comes to sleep you can’t beat a cat. They can sleep anywhere and everywhere even in the oddest places which appear to be pretty uncomfortable; but if you ask a cat there wouldn’t be a better place to be in other than the one, she chose to sleep in.
What a perfect spot!
Might have been pretty exhausted.
Somethings are hard to let go off
She likes it up there.
Safety first!
With the furry chin on
The view must be pretty good from up there…
The deeper the sleep, the comfier the spot
Together furever, and wherever too!
This plant only blooms at night
If you have anything that is crampy and deep around the house, it can become the cat’s bed anytime soon. They love fitting into small spaces and sleeping there, kitties find this practice pretty convenient. It’s part of their natural instincts. Make sure to scroll till the end to see how goofy and silly felines can be when it comes to the choice of sleeping spaces.
My travel partner
Them and their love for plastic bags…
The cat of the future.
or maybe he’s born with that flexibility
Well, you did just mentioned the counter nothing else.
Cool and crisp!
Only purrs and meows
Bathing hacks…
If you’ve looked around everywhere for your cat and can’t really find it, make sure to look into the tiniest spaces around the house and you’ll find your kitty splooting there somewhere. Attention cat lovers, all the boxes, baskets, bowls, and what not… Nothing is safe from the remains of fur after your cat’s done napping there, so beware.
What’s your cat’s favorite napping spot? Do let us know in the comments section below!