It would be fair to say that the cats are completely unaware of the fact of how cute they are and them not being able to realize it makes them even more adorable, doesn’t it? No one would deny that cats are not just leaders of our worlds but also leaders of the internet as well! The cute furry little creatures have managed to invade every corner of our digital world which means, you cannot escape from them, anywhere!
Cats are mysterious little creatures. They would roll onto their back while revealing their belly to let us know that their bellies are all ready to be rubbed but one thought has always crossed our mind, which is, do they even appreciate the attention that is being given to them? Or are we invading their personal space? Guess we will never know. But what we do know for sure is that we love them and they are the reason for our happiness. Now, are you ready to check out the pictures that we have collected for you today? Scroll right away!
“We were looking to get a kitten at a local rescue when we ran into this pretty girl. She was 10 years old, her owner had died & she’d been up for adoption for nearly a year but no one wanted her because of her age…so we scooped her up, nearly 5 years ago. She is beautiful, loving & polydactyl. Wouldn’t trade her for the world. Her name was MIA but she didn’t seem to know it so we re-names her Betty White bc we are both huge fans of BW, our last name is also White & she is solid white. She’s a blessing to our family! She about 15 years old now but still acts like a kitten.”
“This is Larry I told him to get off the table. What a smartass! I think that’s what I love about him.”
That’s a beautiful shot!
“My name is Misty and I’m 5-years-old! My furever mommy adopted me from the Humane Society when I was 8 weeks old! I’m sweet & sassy and I love my furever home!”
Oh, we have the perfect solution for you.
Juju looks surprised. Don’t know why though.
She loves being lazy all day as you can tell.
“About three years ago, I was laying in bed and started having a really bad asthma attack. I have them every now and again but this one was really causing me problems. As I’m laying there, struggling to breathe (I was out of my albuterol inhaler) Charlie runs into the room out of nowhere and jumps onto the bed and lays flat on my chest, his face next to mine. He’s never been a real cuddly cat and would hardly even come to hang out in my room as it was so this was extremely unusual. He laid on my chest purring and purring. He was purring so deep I could feel the vibrations from his purrs inside my chest. After about 5 minutes, my breathing started to stabilize and it was now a mild asthma attack. I thought to myself “This is just coincidence. There’s no way he’s able to help me like this.” After ten minutes, I was breathing normally. The asthma attack had passed. I loved on Charlie and told him to thank you and a minute later he ran back out of the room. Didn’t think much more about it until about 2 months later came across an article about the healing power of purrs. As I was reading it, it talks about the vibrations from purring actually helping in cases of asthma attacks. I was shocked. It went on to talk about how the vibrations can also help to speed up the process of broken bones, help repair torn tendons and can help with infections. This blew my mind and still does to this day. There are some articles about it if anyone is interested in looking into it. Just Google the healing power of purrs. Just another reason that cats are the best creatures on Earth.”
“They contacted me a few weeks later saying they just had a kitten dropped off that was 2 weeks old, her mother had rejected her because she had splayed legs, as well a broken leg. They were going to put her down the same day they got her, she was considered unadoptable. I went immediately & picked up this 7oz little, helpless baby. I did PT on her everyday including making her swim in the bathtub to strengthen her legs. She was my first ‘baby’, I had to do everything for her, bottlefeed, use the restroom, etc… she was so worth it. She is handicapped, she walks funny but she walks when no vet thought she would. She’ll even run if it’s for food lol… she is now 6 yrs old & she is my whole heart. We named her Peeps because when she runs it looks like a rabbit hopping, so Peeps after the Easter marshmallows lol…”
A little late maybe but hey, appreciate the gesture!
“Happy Halloween from Alfie, from Australia.”
Doesn’t she look adorable AF!?
And we are done with our today’s dosage of cuteness! Did you enjoy the interesting stories? People who adopt animals are real-life heroes, don’t you think? One should always adopt and not shop because of the feeling which you get after giving a new life to an animal is unmatchable! Do you have any stories to share? Let us know into the comments section below!