
10+ Before And After Photos Of Rescued Cats That Will Warm Your Heart

  • By Malaika
  • May 1, 2020
  • 3 minutes read

These cats finally found their forever home.

Not that it was easy for them. because most of them had to literally walk through fire to reach where they are today. Cats are adorable creatures and they definitely don’t deserve this horrible fate.

So I am glad that someone managed to rescue these kitties and give them a proper loving home. Rather than letting them wander the street so they could get sick again. While having aq cat is awesome, it is actually much better for the cat than you.

Adopting a cat means there is one less homeless kitty who has nowhere to go. So if you are deciding on getting a cat. Please adopt rather than buy her. Because they will love you for it.

So scroll on below and take a look at what happens when a badly injured cat gets rescued.

#1 Justin was actually rescued from a burning building.

#2 Although Bunny looks beautiful now, he was once covered in injuries because of electrocution.

#3 Mr. Biscuits was found inside a running car and was badly burned.

#4 This kitty was close to death when she was found but now looks content with her life.

#5 Louie was rescued from the neighborhood gutter and found his forever home.

#6 This blind kitten was the lone survivor in a litter.

#7 When found, Kodama had a severe infection infested with maggots, now he looks majestic.

#8 Utopia found her utopia after being rescued from the rain.

#9 A stray cat who found what she was looking for.

#10 Another injured cat now completely healthy.

#11 The runt of the litter Stuart now healthy as a haystack.

#12 Tyrion’s eye infection took away his eye but this fluff ball is all better now.

#13 Stray cat flourishing after only a few months.

#14 Spyder was found stuck in a drain.

#15 Eleanor was rescued from a dumpster and had many injuries.

#16 This kitty was found starving but now gets food whenever she desires.

Comment down below and let us know if this made you wanna adopt a kitty.

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