
30 People Share The Wildest Cooking Practices That You Wish You Knew Sooner

  • By Malaika
  • 8 months ago
  • 8 minutes read
Cooking Practices

Cooking is an enjoyable pastime.

Cooking is more than just a necessary chore; it is a creative and social activity that has the power to unite or divide people. Not only is it necessary for everyone to learn how to feed themselves, but it can also be a rewarding hobby. I know many people never learn to cook because they believe their parents and partners will do it for them, but everyone should know the fundamentals of cooking. It is a valuable life skill that can provide joy and satisfaction.

However, the way we prepare and share food can have a significant impact on our interpersonal relationships, making cooking both a skill and an art. This may sound dramatic, but food has the power to break up friendships. I am sure we have all had food-related arguments before. Whether it’s because someone cooks differently or because you don’t enjoy the same foods as your friends or family. This is without mentioning any food preferences, diets, or allergies. It is fair to say that food can be a contentious issue for many people.

You can see it for yourself by scrolling down.

#1 Who doesn’t enjoy food puns? Especially the cheesy ones?

Via anon, Pixabay

#2 As an Asian, we cook a lot of vegetables and I have never heard of putting them in the microwave.

Via smk3509, Pexels

#3 Hummus can be an acquired taste for many, as I never enjoyed it that much.

Via AustinTreeLover, Pixabay

#4 Why not cut off a piece of butter and put the rest on the table? This is so unhygienic.

Via alyxmj, Pixabay

#5 If you cook meat for that long, it either becomes a hockey puck or straight-up mush.

Via tantetricotante, Pixabay

#6 As someone who is lactose sensitive, I can certainly feel the pain of family members thinking you aren’t serious.

Via gingerytea, Pixabay

#7 Everyone might not like it but I love crispy fish skin!

Via kitty_kotton, Pixabay

#8 This mother-in-law needs to stop being so stubborn and let someone else cook.

Via jsat3474, Pixabay

#9 Who cooks eggs in the microwave? I’m not a big fan of cooking but I would never do that.

Via PeanutButterPigeon85, Pixabay

#10 You never know how much you will like something until you try it.

Via citou, Pixabay

#11 Maybe I am biased but I would not be able to survive on only burgers and such.

Via dirtyswrk, Pixabay

#12 I have never tried kimchi before but I would love to give it a go.

Via LokiLB, Pixabay

Food has the power to unite or divide people, depending on the circumstances. For example, what happens if someone doesn’t respect your food allergy or lactose intolerance? These types of situations can have serious consequences, so it will irritate you if your friends or family do not listen. People will often call you dramatic or sensitive if you discuss food-related issues. Finally, these things can only harm a relationship over time.

#13 To be fair, butter and garlic do smell delicious.

Via beathelas, Pixabay

#14 Wait, who thinks black pepper is too spicy?

Via shelf_indulgence, Pixabay

#15 Sometimes making substitutions is necessary but only when it makes sense.

Via annswertwin, Pixabay

#16 I have never tried Kraft mac and cheese and I don’t want to either.

Via CleverAmbrosia, Pixabay

#17 A lot of people really don’t know how many herbs and spices actually exist.

Via belle_rn, Pixabay

#18 Did she not know that a lot of drinks are supposed to be cloudy?

Via argtri, Pixabay

#19 I do have to say that Pork is indeed very unhealthy.

Via PuzzleheadedFroyo995, Pixabay

#20 I wasn’t aware that renaming something suddenly made it acceptable.

Via ichooserum, Pixabay

#21 Cooking for a person who is picky about food is not easy.

Via FayeQueen, Pixabay

#22 I wonder what their family gatherings are usually like.

Via Smelly_Pocket, Pixabay

#23 I would love to join in on the shrimp circle.

Via 7_of-9, Pixabay

#24 Most if not every south Asian dish has onions and garlic so I personally love the smell.

Via broccolimountain, Pixabay

#25 I know some people boil meat but I never found that appetising.

Via Scorpy-yo, Pixabay

#26 Knowing how to make an omelette or instant noodles doesn’t make you a cook.

Via Rd28T, Pixabay

#27 My only question is why would someone do this?

Via MissIdaho1934, Pixabay

#28 A lot of older people are like this so you just have to divert their attention.


Via BeauteousMaximus, Pixabay

#29 So was every vegetable pureed at their home?

Via Kindly_Sweet6442, Pixabay

#30 I also was not aware that you are not supposed to put wine in the fridge.

Via enidokla, Pixabay

What do you think of the stories mentioned above? Has there ever been an issue in your home caused by food or different cooking practices? If so, how did you deal with them? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share these stories with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.

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