
Husband Makes Her Wife Confess To Her Friends And Family That She Cheated On Me, Gets Upset When It Changed Her

  • By Malaika
  • 8 months ago
  • 4 minutes read
Cheating Wife

There is no excuse to cheat on your partner.

Cheating on your partner is a breach of trust that can cause significant emotional distress and harm to a relationship. It is a decision that can have long-term consequences and be devastating for both parties involved. There is never a good reason to be unfaithful. I understand that people can fall out of love, and forcing yourself to stay with them is not always the best option. However, in that case, it is best to seek couple therapy or end the relationship permanently.

I recognise that many people cheat not because they don’t care about their partner but because they enjoy the thrill of going behind someone’s back. However, if your life is so boring that the only way to make it more interesting is to hurt someone, you should look into other hobbies. I will go so far as to say that while getting revenge on a cheating partner can be very satisfying, it is not always the best option.

Scroll down to see what I’m talking about.

Source: Reddit

Cheating on your partner never ends well.

Source: Diva Plavalaguna (Not The Actual Picture)

OP is not sure if his revenge was a good idea after his wife cheated on him.

OP has been married to his wife for five years, so it came as a surprise when he found out she was cheating on him.

When he confronted her with it, she was honest and gave no excuses for her behaviour.

After a bit of time, OP had made the decision that he wanted to humiliate her wife, and that was the only way he could forgive her.

Via Reddit

OP wanted his wife to call up each and every one of her family and friends and tell them about her affair.

She was hesitant to do this but relented since she didn’t want a divorce, which resulted in a lot of shouting and insults hurled at her.

This happened a few months ago, and even though they were still together, she had become isolated and depressed.

At this point, OP wants to divorce her since she has changed into a gloomy and clingy person who is always crying.

OP realises that he made a mistake by forcing her to confess about her affair, but he doesn’t know what to do now.

Via Reddit

I understand wanting your cheating partner to reap what they sow and to tell everyone what they did to you, but the OP also embarrassed himself. I am sure the family members are perplexed as to why OP continues to live with her despite all of this. The OP should have admitted from the start that he wanted to embarrass his wife and would never stay with her. Who wouldn’t feel depressed after having to do something like this? She currently has no support, and what she did was not particularly good either.

Therapy should have been the first thing.

I understand wanting revenge, but it isn’t always a good idea.

It is an awkward situation for everyone involved.

It was inevitable that she would change.

It wasn’t a great idea on his part.

Via Reddit

It really is as simple as that.

I wonder what actually happened.

Cheating on your partner sounds like a lot of work.

Both of them need therapy and better communication.

They clearly don’t have a strong relationship now.

Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how OP dealt with the situation? Do you think the woman received what she deserved? Or do you think the OP went too far? Have you ever encountered a similar situation? If so, what did you do? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.

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